Operating SystemsAn operating system (OS) is the most fundamental software that runs on a computer or a mobile device. It acts as a bridge between the user and the computer hardware, providing an interface for the user to interact with the system resources.

The primary functions of an operating system include:

  1. Resource Management: An OS manages the computer’s hardware resources, such as the CPU, memory, and storage devices. It allocates resources to the applications and services that need them and ensures that they do not interfere with each other.
  2. User Interface: An OS provides a user interface for users to interact with the computer. This interface can be graphical, command-line, or both.
  3. File Management: An OS manages the storage of data and files on the computer. It creates, modifies, and deletes files, and it organizes them in a file system that makes them easy to find and access.
  4. Security: An OS provides security features that protect the computer from unauthorized access, viruses, and malware.
  5. Device Drivers: An OS includes device drivers that allow the computer to communicate with hardware devices such as printers, scanners, and cameras.

Some popular operating systems include Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

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Operating Systems – History

Operating System History It all started with computer hardware in about 1945s. Computers were using vacuum tube technology. Programs were loaded into memory manually using switches, Read More »

Operating System – Deadlocks

Deadlocks Definition: In a multiprogramming system, processes request resources. If those resources are being used by other processes then the process enters a waiting state. However, Read More »