Even though practically no one uses SMS for texting purposes anymore, many companies choose to use SMS for marketing. We’re all familiar with getting SMS from companies in practically every industry, but how can you include this type of a campaign in your marketing strategy?

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at SMS marketing campaigns and best practices you can use to get the most out of them.

Is SMS Marketing Still Effective?

The short answer is yes, SMS marketing campaigns are extremely effective. If you avoid making common SMS marketing mistakes, you can expect an open rate up to 5 times that of email marketing. Given that this strategy is relatively simple to apply, grabbing the attention of your audience is a more realistic expectation.

There are three types of SMS marketing messages you can send to your target audience: promotional, transaction, and conversational. All three can be used in tandem to create a more effective campaign for whatever business you are running.

Benefits of SMS Marketing Campaigns

Let’s take a look at the advantages of including SMS marketing in your marketing strategy.

  • High open rate: As people receive SMS on their phones, they are more likely to open (and read)  your marketing messages. It’s a more intimate approach than email, and there is no spam folder to worry about.
  • Higher CTR: Studies have shown that the click-through-rate for SMS marketing messages is around 9%, which is significantly higher than email (2.5%).
  • Builds loyalty: Personalized messages and consistent marketing through this channel helps customers feel valued by your company. In turn, this will build a better relationship with your customers and create a sense of brand loyalty within them.
  • Complements other tactics: You can use SMS marketing to direct consumers to other channels within your marketing strategy, making them more effective.

Best SMS Marketing Practices

Now that we’ve established the benefits of this marketing tactic, consider following these practices for the best results from your SMS marketing campaign:

Brand Introduction

While the open rate is higher when it comes to SMS, you also want consumers to recognize your brand early on. So, it’s best to identify your brand at the beginning of your text. This will also increase the chances of getting a response from your audience. Pair your brand name with an enticing offer. For example:

“Company Name offers 100 free uses this month for loyal customers”

Don’t Be Annoying

Spamming your audience will only desensitize them to your messages and teach them to filter them out without reading. It’s best if you only send SMS to customers who have opted in, but you should also limit the frequency of messages they get.

Also try to keep your timing more convenient. Getting SMS in the middle of the night with discount offers isn’t likely to induce any response. You can use analytics to gauge when is the right time to send your marketing messages.

Opt-Out Options

The last thing you want is for consumers to feel like they are forced to read your messages. Always make sure to include the option to opt out of promotional SMS. This will ensure that you are only sending messages to people who actually want to receive them. Those are the same people that are more likely to respond to you.

Keep It Short and Simple

Long winding content is more suited for blogs and articles. SMS marketing messages are best kept short and straightforward. In today’s fast-paced market, no one has time to read long messages. Hire a copywriter (or take a course) to craft shorter messages that will get through all the most important information that you want your audience to know.

Consistency is Key

As with any other content marketing tactics, your audience will come to anticipate your messages if you are consistent with your schedule. For example, if you are running a restaurant, send offers on weekends when more people are likely to consider ordering takeaway. If you are consistently sending offers at the beginning of the weekend, many people will probably turn ordering from your restaurant into a routine.

Keep it Legal

Check the relevant privacy laws and alays adhere to them. This means you aren’t sending SMS to people who haven’t expressly opted to receive your promotional messages. You might also need to include the option for consumers not to receive messages during business hours. Stay up to date with privacy laws and the TCPA to avoid any legal issues.

Key Takeaways

SMS marketing is an effective way to get your promotional messages directly to consumers. It’s a strategy that, when done right, gives you a higher open rate and more responses than email. Adhering to the best practices and staying in line with relevant laws can build customer loyalty and will help you increase your revenue while complementing other marketing strategies.

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