Question: What is SGML and what is its use?


SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a markup language that was developed in the 1980s. It is a standard for defining markup languages, which are used to annotate and structure documents in a machine-readable format.

SGML provides a framework for creating customized markup languages with well-defined rules and structures. It separates the content of a document from its presentation, allowing for easy interchange and portability of information across different systems and platforms.

The main purpose of SGML is to define the structure and semantics of documents, making it possible to represent complex and structured information in a consistent manner. It provides a set of rules and guidelines for creating markup languages, allowing for the creation of highly structured and specialized document formats.

SGML has been used in a wide range of applications, including technical documentation, publishing, legal documents, scientific papers, and archival systems. It enables the creation of document types with specific rules and constraints, ensuring consistency and accuracy in the representation of information.

One of the key benefits of SGML is its ability to facilitate content reuse and document management. By separating content from presentation, documents can be easily repurposed and reused in different contexts. SGML also enables the creation of document repositories and systems for efficient storage, retrieval, and processing of large volumes of structured content.

Although SGML itself is not widely used today, its concepts and principles have influenced the development of other markup languages, including HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language), and XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language). These markup languages have evolved to address specific needs and are widely used in various domains of information exchange and document representation on the web and beyond.

MCQ : SGML stands for

  • Standard Generalized Markup Language
  • Structured General Markup Language
  • Standard Graphics Mapping Language
  • Standard General Markup Link
Correct Answer: A. Standard Generalized Markup Language

SGML stands for Standard Generalized Markup Language.

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