With each visit of this Computer Organization and Architecture online Quiz / Practice Test, the list of MCQs / Objective Questions presented will be different, offering you a diverse set of practice opportunities. This variability encourages you to practice extensively, refining the accuracy of your answers and your overall grasp of the content. By utilizing this resource, you can hone your skills and become more adept at managing time constraints during actual exams.
Test Instructions Question type Randomized MCQs.Changes every time you visit the test Total Number of Questions 30 Time Limit 20 Minutes Points 1 Point for each Question
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Question 1 of 30
Q-1.The BSA instruction is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 2 of 30
Q-2.Data is generally coded in 8-bit units, such a unit is also called
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 3 of 30
Q-3.The memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called the
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 4 of 30
Q-4.Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must have
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 5 of 30
Q-5._________ register keeps tracks of the instructions stored in program stored in memory
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 6 of 30
Q-6.Logic gates with a set of input and outputs is arrangement of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 7 of 30
Q-7.Cache memory acts between
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 8 of 30
Q-8.The 2s compliment form (Use 6 bit word) of the number 1010 is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 9 of 30
Q-9.The amount of time required to read a block of data from a disk into memory is composed of seek time, rotational latency, and transfer time. Rotational latency
refers to
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 10 of 30
Q-10.Typical data transfer rate in LAN are of the order of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 11 of 30
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 12 of 30
Q-12.A ___________development system and an ______are essential tools for writing
large assembly language programs.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 13 of 30
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 14 of 30
Q-14.Memory address refers to the successive memory words and the machine is
called as …………
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 15 of 30
Q-15.When CPU is executing a Program that is part of the Operating System, it is said to be in
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 16 of 30
Q-16.Memories which can be read only are called………….. Memories
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 17 of 30
Q-17.The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 18 of 30
Q-18.Interrupts which are initiated by an instruction are
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 19 of 30
Q-19.A three input NOR gate gives logic high output only when
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 20 of 30
Q-20.Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO) H & (B53F) H results
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 21 of 30
Q-21.The average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtain its contents is called the
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 22 of 30
Q-22.The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 23 of 30
Q-23.In a vectored interrupt.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 24 of 30
Q-24.An n-bit microprocessor has
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 25 of 30
Q-25.A complete microcomputer system consists of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 26 of 30
Q-26.A Stack-organised Computer uses instruction of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 27 of 30
Q-27.A Stack-organised Computer uses instruction of _____.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 28 of 30
Q-28.In an operation performed by the ALU, carry bit is set to 1 if the end carry C 8 is ________. It is cleared to 0 (zero) if the carry is ______ _______.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 29 of 30
Q-29.can be represented in a signed magnitude format and in a 1’s complement format as
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 30 of 30
Q-30.A Program Counter contains a number 825 and address part of the instruction contains the number 24. The effective address in the relative address mode, when
an instruction is read from the memory is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
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