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Test Instructions Question type Randomized MCQs.Changes every time you visit the test Total Number of Questions 30 Time Limit 20 Minutes Points 1 Point for each Question
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Question 1 of 30
Q-1.Which of the following versions of merge sort algorithm does uses space efficiently?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 2 of 30
Q-2.For the bubble sort algorithm, what is the time complexity of the best/worst case?
(assume that the computation stops as soon as no more swaps in one pass)
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 3 of 30
Q-3.The OBST algorithm in worst case takes _______ time if all c(i, j )’s and r(i, j)’s are
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 4 of 30
Q-4.fractional knapsack is based on ____________method
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 5 of 30
Q-5.The number of comparisons of elements for average case is ____________ in the
case of maxmin algorithm based on divide and conquer method
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 6 of 30
Q-6.The complexity of merge sort algorithm is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 7 of 30
Q-7.LIFO mechanism is used in
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 8 of 30
Q-8.Let f, t: N→R 0, and t (n) O (f (n)) iff t(n)≤ c.f (n) where cis positive real
constant andn≥ no, then no is ___________
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 9 of 30
Q-9.The name backtrack was first coined by _________
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 10 of 30
Q-10.A binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children is called
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 11 of 30
Q-11.To calculatec(i, j )’s, w( i, j)’s and r(i, j)’s; the OBST algorithm in worst case takes
the following time.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 12 of 30
Q-12.How do you determine the cost of a spanning tree?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 13 of 30
Q-13.Let there be an array of length ‘N’, and the selection sort algorithm is used to sort it,
how many times a swap function is called to complete the execution?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 14 of 30
Q-14.In analysis of algorithm, approximate relationship between the size of the job and
the amount of work required to do it is expressed by using
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 15 of 30
Q-15.The complexity of Binary search algorithm is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 16 of 30
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Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 17 of 30
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Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 18 of 30
Q-18.Huffmancodes are the applications of _________ with minimal weighted external
path length obtained by an optimal set.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 19 of 30
Q-19.The element which is inserted first will be removed last in the
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 20 of 30
Q-20.How many edges are there in a Hamiltonian cycle if the edge cost is ‘c’ and the
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 21 of 30
Q-21.A connected graph T without any cycles is called
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 22 of 30
Q-22.lower bound is denoted as _______
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 23 of 30
Q-23.Can we read a data item at any location of a list within a constant time (i.e.
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 24 of 30
Q-24.Which of the following sorting algorithm is of divide-and-conquer type?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 25 of 30
Q-25.The Average case occur in linear search algorithm
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 26 of 30
Q-26.Which of the following refers to a single unit of values?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 27 of 30
Q-27. What term is used to describe an O(n) algorithm?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 28 of 30
Q-28.Worst case time complexity of Quick sort is ______________
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 29 of 30
Q-29.In linked lists there are no NULL links in:
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 30 of 30
Q-30.If the out degree of every node is exactly equal to M or 0 and the number of nodes at level K is Mk-1 [consider root at level 1], then tree is called as (i) Full m-ary try
(ii) Complete m-ary tree
(iii)Positional m-ary tree
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect