Programming In C++ Long Questions and AnswersHere in this section of Programming In C++ Long Questions and Answers,We have listed out some of the important Long Questions with Answers on C++ Programming Objects and Classes which will help students to answer it correctly in their University Written Exam.
 Certainly! Here’s a list of 100 object and class-based questions for practicing OOP concepts using C++ programming:

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  • These questions cover various aspects of object and class-based concepts in C++ programming. Use them to deepen your understanding and improve your skills in object-oriented programming with C++. Good luck with your practice!

1. What is an object in object-oriented programming?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), an object is a fundamental unit of data that represents a real-world entity, concept, or abstraction. It is an instance of a class, which is a blueprint or template defining the characteristics and behavior of similar objects.

An object encapsulates both data, known as attributes or properties, and the methods or functions that operate on that data. This combination of data and behavior makes objects self-contained and modular, promoting code reusability and organization.

Each object has its own unique identity, state, and behavior. The identity is usually represented by a unique identifier, and the state refers to the current values of the object’s attributes. The behavior represents the actions or operations that an object can perform, which are defined by the methods associated with the object’s class.

Objects interact with each other by sending messages, invoking methods, or accessing and modifying each other’s attributes. This communication between objects allows for building complex systems through collaboration and cooperation.

In summary, an object in object-oriented programming is a specific instance of a class that combines data and behavior, allowing for the modeling and manipulation of real-world entities in a structured and modular way.

2. What is a class in C++?

In C++, a class is a blueprint or template that defines the structure and behavior of objects. It is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP). A class encapsulates data (attributes or member variables) and functions (methods or member functions) that operate on that data.

The class serves as a user-defined data type, allowing you to create multiple objects based on its template. Each object created from a class is called an instance or an object of that class. The class defines the common properties and behavior that all its objects share.

Here’s an example of a simple class in C++:

class Rectangle {
int width;
int height;

void setDimensions(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;

int calculateArea() {
return width * height;

In the example above, `Rectangle` is a class that represents a rectangle. It has private member variables `width` and `height`, and public member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()`. The private variables are only accessible within the class, while the public functions can be accessed by objects of the class.

To create objects of the `Rectangle` class and utilize its functionality, you can do the following:

Rectangle rect1; // Create an object of the Rectangle class

rect1.setDimensions(5, 3); // Set the dimensions of rect1
int area = rect1.calculateArea(); // Calculate the area of rect1

In this example, `rect1` is an object of the `Rectangle` class. We can call the public member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()` on `rect1` to set its dimensions and calculate its area, respectively.

Classes in C++ allow for code reusability, encapsulation, and abstraction. They enable you to create complex systems by organizing related data and behavior into a cohesive unit.

3. What is the difference between a class and an object?

In object-oriented programming, a class and an object are related but distinct concepts:

  1. 1. Class: A class is a blueprint or template that defines the structure, behavior, and properties of objects. It serves as a user-defined data type, describing the common characteristics shared by its objects. It encapsulates member variables (data or attributes) and member functions (methods or behavior) that operate on the data. In simpler terms, a class is like a blueprint or a plan for creating objects.
  2. 2. Object: An object is a specific instance or occurrence of a class. It is created based on the blueprint provided by the class. An object represents a particular entity or concept, and it has its own identity, state, and behavior. Objects can be created, modified, and interact with each other through method invocations and attribute access.

To illustrate the difference, consider the example of a class `Car`:

class Car {
int speed;
string model;

void accelerate(int value) {
speed += value;

void setModel(string name) {
model = name;

In the example above, `Car` is a class that defines the blueprint for creating car objects. It has member variables `speed` and `model` and member functions `accelerate()` and `setModel()`.

Now, we can create car objects based on this class:

Car myCar; // Create an object of the Car class
myCar.accelerate(50); // Call the accelerate() method on myCar object
myCar.setModel("Tesla"); // Call the setModel() method on myCar object

In this case, `myCar` is an object of the `Car` class. We create it using the class blueprint. We can then call the public member functions `accelerate()` and `setModel()` on the `myCar` object to modify its state and behavior.

In summary, a class is a template or blueprint that defines the structure and behavior of objects, while an object is a specific instance or occurrence of that class, possessing its own state and behavior. A class represents a general concept, whereas objects represent specific instances of that concept.

4. How do you define a class in C++?

In C++, you can define a class using the following syntax:

class ClassName {
// Member variable declarations
// Member function declarations
// Access specifiers (optional)

Here’s an example of a simple class definition in C++:

class Rectangle {
int width;
int height;

// Member function declarations
void setDimensions(int w, int h);
int calculateArea();

In the example above, we define a class named `Rectangle`. It has two private member variables `width` and `height`, which are accessible only within the class. The class also has two public member function declarations `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()`. These functions define the behavior of the class.

To provide the implementation of the member functions, you can define them outside the class definition using the `::` scope resolution operator. Here’s an example:

// Member function definitions
void Rectangle::setDimensions(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;

int Rectangle::calculateArea() {
return width * height;

In the above code, the member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()` are defined outside the class definition. They are prefixed with the class name and the `::` scope resolution operator to indicate that they belong to the `Rectangle` class.

Once you have defined the class, you can create objects of that class and use its member functions and variables. Here’s an example:

Rectangle rect; // Create an object of the Rectangle class
rect.setDimensions(5, 3); // Set the dimensions of rect
int area = rect.calculateArea(); // Calculate the area of rect

In this example, we create an object `rect` of the `Rectangle` class and use the member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()` to set its dimensions and calculate its area, respectively.

That’s the basic syntax for defining a class in C++. You can add more member variables and functions as needed to define the desired behavior and structure for your objects.

5. What is the purpose of constructors in C++?

In C++, constructors are special member functions within a class that are responsible for initializing the objects of that class. They are called automatically when an object is created. The purpose of constructors is to ensure that objects are properly initialized and in a valid state before they are used.

Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type, not even `void`. They can have parameters to receive initial values for the object’s member variables. Constructors can be overloaded, which means you can have multiple constructors with different parameter lists, allowing for different ways to initialize objects.

Here’s an example of a class with a constructor:

class Rectangle {
int width;
int height;

// Constructor declaration
Rectangle(int w, int h);

// Other member function declarations
int calculateArea();

// Constructor definition
Rectangle::Rectangle(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;

// Member function definition
int Rectangle::calculateArea() {
return width * height;

In the example above, we have a constructor `Rectangle::Rectangle(int w, int h)` that takes two parameters `w` and `h`. It initializes the `width` and `height` member variables with the provided values.

When creating an object of the `Rectangle` class, the constructor is automatically called to initialize the object:

Rectangle rect(5, 3); // Creating an object using the constructor
int area = rect.calculateArea(); // Calling a member function on the object

In this code snippet, we create an object `rect` of the `Rectangle` class by passing the values 5 and 3 to the constructor. The constructor initializes the `width` and `height` member variables of `rect`. Then, we can call other member functions on the object, such as `calculateArea()`.

The constructor ensures that the object is properly initialized, avoiding potential issues caused by uninitialized data. It allows you to enforce certain rules or validations during object creation. Constructors are particularly useful when you want to provide default values or different ways to initialize objects based on different scenarios.

If a class does not explicitly define a constructor, C++ provides a default constructor that takes no parameters and performs no explicit initialization. However, if you define any constructor yourself, the default constructor is no longer automatically generated.

6. How do you create an object of a class in C++?

To create an object of a class in C++, you use the following syntax:

ClassName objectName;

Here’s an example of creating an object of a class named `Rectangle`:

Rectangle rect;

In this example, `rect` is the name of the object, and `Rectangle` is the class from which the object is created. The object creation statement invokes the class’s constructor (either the default constructor or a constructor with parameters, depending on how the class is defined) to initialize the object.

If the class has a default constructor (a constructor with no parameters), you can create an object without passing any arguments:

ClassName objectName;

For example:

Rectangle rect; // Object creation using the default constructor

If the class has a constructor that takes parameters, you need to provide the necessary arguments while creating the object:

ClassName objectName(argument1, argument2, ...);

For example:

Rectangle rect(5, 3); // Object creation with constructor arguments

In this case, the constructor of the `Rectangle` class that takes two integer arguments is called to initialize the `rect` object with the provided values.

Once you have created an object, you can access its member functions and variables using the dot (`.`) operator:

objectName.memberFunction(); // Call a member function
objectName.memberVariable = value; // Access a member variable

For example:

rect.setDimensions(6, 4); // Call a member function on the object
int area = rect.calculateArea(); // Access a member variable of the object

In this code snippet, we call the `setDimensions()` member function on the `rect` object to modify its state and then use the `calculateArea()` member function to calculate the area based on the modified dimensions.

That’s how you create an object of a class in C++. Remember to include the necessary headers and properly define the class before creating objects from it.

7. How do you access the members of an object in C++?

In C++, you can access the members (variables and functions) of an object using the dot (`.`) operator. The dot operator provides a way to refer to the members of an object.

Here’s the syntax for accessing object members:


Here’s an example of accessing the members of an object:

class Rectangle {
int width;
int height;

void setDimensions(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;

int calculateArea() {
return width * height;

int main() {
Rectangle rect;
rect.width = 5; // Accessing the width member variable of rect
rect.height = 3; // Accessing the height member variable of rect
rect.setDimensions(5, 3); // Calling the setDimensions() member function of rect
int area = rect.calculateArea(); // Calling the calculateArea() member function of rect

return 0;

In this example, we define a class `Rectangle` with member variables `width` and `height`, as well as member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()`. Inside the `main()` function, we create an object `rect` of the `Rectangle` class.

To access the members of `rect`, we use the dot (`.`) operator. For example, `rect.width` accesses the `width` member variable of `rect`, and `rect.height` accesses the `height` member variable. Similarly, we call the member functions `setDimensions()` and `calculateArea()` using the dot operator.

By using the dot operator, you can read or modify the state of an object’s member variables and invoke its member functions.

It’s important to note that if a member variable or function is marked as `private` within the class, it can only be accessed by other member functions of the same class. If a member is marked as `public`, it can be accessed from anywhere in the program. Additionally, `protected` members have access within the class and derived classes. Access specifiers control the visibility and accessibility of class members.

8. What is the difference between public, private, and protected access specifiers in a class?

In C++, access specifiers (`public`, `private`, and `protected`) are used to control the visibility and accessibility of class members (variables and functions) within the class hierarchy. These specifiers determine how members can be accessed from different parts of the program.

Here’s an explanation of each access specifier:

1. `public`: Members declared as `public` are accessible from anywhere in the program, including outside the class. They can be accessed by objects of the class, derived classes, and other parts of the program. Public members represent the interface of the class, defining how other code can interact with the class and its objects.

2. `private`: Members declared as `private` are only accessible from within the class itself. They cannot be accessed directly by objects of the class or any other code outside the class. Private members are hidden from the outside world, allowing the class to have control over its internal implementation details. Other member functions within the class can access private members. By default, if no access specifier is provided, members are considered private.

3. `protected`: Members declared as `protected` are accessible within the class itself and its derived classes. They are not accessible to objects of the class or other code outside the class hierarchy. Protected members are mainly used for implementing inheritance and allowing derived classes to access and modify certain parts of the base class.

Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of access specifiers:

class Rectangle {
int publicVar;

int privateVar;

int protectedVar;

void publicMethod() {
publicVar = 1; // Accessible from anywhere
privateVar = 2; // Accessible only within the class
protectedVar = 3; // Accessible within the class and derived classes

class Square : public Rectangle {
void derivedMethod() {
publicVar = 4; // Accessible from the derived class
// privateVar and protectedVar are not accessible directly
protectedVar = 5; // Accessible due to protected specifier in the base class

int main() {
Rectangle rect;
rect.publicVar = 6; // Accessible from outside the class
// rect.privateVar and rect.protectedVar are not accessible directly

Square square;
square.publicVar = 7; // Accessible due to inheritance
// square.privateVar and square.protectedVar are not accessible directly

return 0;

In this example, the `Rectangle` class has members `publicVar`, `privateVar`, and `protectedVar` with their respective access specifiers. The `publicMethod()` can access all the members of the class.

The `Square` class is derived from `Rectangle` using the `public` inheritance specifier. The derived class can access the `publicVar` and `protectedVar` members inherited from the base class.

In the `main()` function, objects of `Rectangle` and `Square` classes are created, and their members are accessed accordingly.

Access specifiers provide encapsulation and control over the accessibility of class members, allowing you to define how objects interact with and modify the internal state of a class.

Certainly! Here are the answers to your questions:

9. How do you declare member variables in a class?

Member variables are declared within the class definition. They can be declared with an access specifier (`public`, `private`, or `protected`) followed by the variable’s type and name.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
int myPrivateVar;
double myPublicVar;

10. How do you declare member functions in a class?

Member functions are declared within the class definition as well. They specify the return type, function name, and optionally, the parameter list.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
void myMemberFunction(); // Declaration of a member function

11. What is data hiding in object-oriented programming?

Data hiding is a concept in object-oriented programming that emphasizes restricting access to data or information within a class. It involves making the data private, so that it cannot be directly accessed or modified from outside the class. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents unauthorized access or modification.

12. How do you achieve data hiding in C++?

In C++, data hiding is achieved by declaring class member variables as `private`. By default, class members are `private` if no access specifier is specified. This restricts direct access to the member variables from outside the class. To provide controlled access to the member variables, you can define `public` member functions, also known as getter and setter functions, to read and modify the private member variables.

13. What is encapsulation in object-oriented programming?

Encapsulation is the bundling of data and related operations (functions) into a single unit, called a class. It combines data and behavior together, hiding the internal implementation details of the class. Encapsulation allows the class to control access to its member variables and functions, enforcing data integrity and providing a clean interface for interacting with the object.

14. How do you achieve encapsulation in C++?

In C++, encapsulation is achieved by defining classes. Classes encapsulate the member variables and member functions into a single entity. The member variables are declared as `private` to hide them from direct access, and the member functions are declared as `public` or `protected` to provide controlled access to the data. This way, the internal details of the class are encapsulated and can only be accessed through the public interface of the class.

15. What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

Abstraction and encapsulation are closely related concepts but serve different purposes:

  • – Abstraction focuses on defining the essential characteristics of an object or a system, while hiding unnecessary details. It emphasizes the creation of abstract classes or interfaces to provide a simplified view of the object’s behavior.
  • – Encapsulation, on the other hand, is concerned with hiding the internal details of an object or a class and exposing a controlled interface for interacting with the object. It emphasizes data hiding and controlling access to the internal state of the object.

In summary, abstraction deals with creating a simplified and abstract view of an object’s behavior, while encapsulation deals with hiding the internal implementation details and providing controlled access to the object’s data and functionality. Encapsulation is one of the means to achieve abstraction.

16. What is a default constructor in C++?

A default constructor is a special member function of a class that is called automatically when an object of the class is created without any arguments. It is used to initialize the object’s member variables to their default values. If a class does not have any constructors defined, the compiler automatically generates a default constructor for the class.

17. How do you define and implement a default constructor in C++?

To define and implement a default constructor in C++, you need to create a member function with the same name as the class and no parameters.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Default constructor
MyClass() {
// Constructor body

18. What is a parameterized constructor in C++?

A parameterized constructor is a constructor that takes one or more parameters. It allows you to initialize the object’s member variables with specific values at the time of object creation. Unlike the default constructor, a parameterized constructor is explicitly defined by the programmer.

19. How do you define and implement a parameterized constructor in C++?

To define and implement a parameterized constructor in C++, you create a member function with the same name as the class and parameters corresponding to the desired initialization values.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Parameterized constructor
MyClass(int value) {
// Constructor body

20. What is constructor overloading in C++?

Constructor overloading is a feature in C++ that allows a class to have multiple constructors with different parameter lists. Each constructor can be used to create objects with different initialization requirements. The appropriate constructor is called based on the arguments provided during object creation.

21. How do you overload constructors in C++?

Constructors are overloaded by defining multiple constructors with different parameter lists. Each constructor can have a unique set of parameters.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Default constructor
MyClass() {
// Constructor body

// Parameterized constructor
MyClass(int value) {
// Constructor body

// Another parameterized constructor
MyClass(int value1, int value2) {
// Constructor body

22. What is a destructor in C++?

A destructor is a special member function of a class that is called automatically when an object goes out of scope or is explicitly destroyed using the `delete` keyword. It is used to release any resources acquired by the object during its lifetime, such as freeing dynamically allocated memory or closing file handles.

23. How do you define and implement a destructor in C++?

To define and implement a destructor in C++, you create a member function with the same name as the class, preceded by a tilde (`~`). A destructor has no parameters and does not return any value.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Constructor

// Destructor
~MyClass() {
// Destructor body

24. What is the purpose of a destructor in C++?

The purpose of a destructor is to perform cleanup tasks when an object is no longer needed or is being destroyed. It is responsible for releasing any resources held by the object, such as freeing memory or closing file handles. The destructor is called automatically when the object goes out of scope or is explicitly destroyed.

25. What is a copy constructor in C++?

A copy constructor is a special constructor that initializes a new object by making a copy of an existing object of the same class. It is used to

create a new object with the same state as an existing object.

26. How do you define and implement a copy constructor in C++?

To define and implement a copy constructor in C++, you create a member function with the same name as the class, taking a reference to an object of the same class as a parameter.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Copy constructor
MyClass(const MyClass& other) {
// Copy constructor body

27. What is the default copy constructor in C++?

If a class does not have a user-defined copy constructor, the compiler automatically generates a default copy constructor for the class. The default copy constructor performs a shallow copy, where it copies the values of the member variables from the source object to the destination object.

28. What is the assignment operator in C++?

The assignment operator (`=`) is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class. It is an operator function defined within the class and is invoked when the assignment operator is used between objects.

29. How do you overload the assignment operator in C++?

The assignment operator can be overloaded by defining a member function named `operator=` within the class. This function takes a reference to another object of the same class as a parameter and returns a reference to the modified object.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
// Assignment operator overloading
MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other) {
// Assignment operator body
return *this;

30. What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy in C++?

– Shallow Copy: A shallow copy copies the values of the member variables from one object to another object. If the member variables contain pointers, the addresses are copied, resulting in both objects pointing to the same memory location. Changes made in one object may affect the other object.

– Deep Copy: A deep copy creates a separate copy of the dynamically allocated memory pointed to by the member variables. It ensures that each object has its own copy of the data. Changes made in one object do not affect the other object.

31. How do you implement a deep copy in C++?

To implement a deep copy, you need to define a copy constructor and an assignment operator that perform a deep copy of the dynamically allocated memory, rather than simply copying the addresses. This typically involves allocating new memory, copying the contents, and updating the pointers in the new object.

32. What is the difference between member variables and member functions in a class?

Member variables (also called data members or instance variables) are variables declared within a class that store the state or data associated with objects of the class. They represent the characteristics or properties of the objects. Member functions (also called methods or member methods) are functions declared within a class that operate on the member variables and provide the behavior or operations of the objects.

33. How do you declare and define static member variables in a class?

Static member variables are declared within a class using the `static` keyword. They are shared by all objects of the class and have a single instance that is accessible to all instances of the class.

Here’s an example of declaration and definition:

class MyClass {
static int myStaticVar; // Declaration

// Definition (outside the class)

int MyClass::myStaticVar = 0; // Definition (outside the class)

34. How do you access static member variables in C++?

Static member variables can be accessed using the class name followed by the scope resolution operator

(`::`). They can also be accessed using an object of the class, but it is more common to access them using the class name.

Here’s an example:

int value = MyClass::myStaticVar; // Accessing static member variable

35. What is a static member function in C++?

A static member function is a function declared within a class that belongs to the class itself rather than to individual objects of the class. It is associated with the class and can be called without creating an object of the class. Static member functions cannot access non-static member variables directly.

36. How do you declare and define static member functions in a class?

Static member functions are declared within a class like any other member functions, but they are preceded by the `static` keyword. They are defined outside the class using the scope resolution operator (`::`).

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
static void myStaticFunction(); // Declaration

// Definition (outside the class)

void MyClass::myStaticFunction() {
// Definition (outside the class)

37. How do you access static member functions in C++?

Static member functions can be accessed using the class name followed by the scope resolution operator (`::`). They can also be accessed using an object of the class, but it is more common to access them using the class name.

Here’s an example:

MyClass::myStaticFunction(); // Accessing static member function

38. What is the difference between a static member variable and a non-static member variable?

– Static Member Variable: A static member variable is shared by all objects of the class. It has a single instance that is accessible to all instances of the class. It is declared using the `static` keyword and is independent of individual objects. Changes made to a static member variable affect all objects of the class.

– Non-static Member Variable: A non-static member variable is specific to each object of the class. Each object has its own instance of the member variable. It is declared without the `static` keyword and is associated with individual objects. Changes made to a non-static member variable affect only the specific object it belongs to.

39. What is the ‘this’ pointer in C++?

The ‘this’ pointer is a special pointer available within non-static member functions of a class. It holds the memory address of the object that invokes the member function. It is used to refer to the current object and access its member variables and member functions.

40. How do you use the ‘this’ pointer in a class member function?

Inside a member function, the ‘this’ pointer is automatically available, and you can use it to refer to the current object. It is used in expressions like `this->memberVariable` or `this->memberFunction()` to access the member variables and member functions of the object.

41. What is the purpose of the ‘this’ pointer in C++?

The ‘this’ pointer is used to differentiate between the current object and other variables or parameters with the same name within a member function. It allows you to access the member variables and member functions of the current object, enabling object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation and data hiding.

42. What is an object pointer in C++?

An object pointer is a pointer variable that holds the memory address of an object. It allows you to indirectly access and manipulate the object using the pointer. Object pointers are used to dynamically allocate memory for objects, enable polymorphism, and manage object lifetimes.

43. How do you declare and initialize an object pointer in C++?

An object pointer is declared

by specifying the class type followed by an asterisk (`*`). It can be initialized with the address of a dynamically allocated object using the `new` keyword.

Here’s an example:

MyClass* ptr; // Declaration
ptr = new MyClass(); // Initialization

44. How do you access members of an object using an object pointer in C++?

To access members of an object using an object pointer, you use the arrow operator (`->`). The arrow operator dereferences the pointer and allows you to access the member variables and member functions of the object.

Here’s an example:

MyClass* ptr = new MyClass();
int value = ptr->memberVariable; // Accessing member variable
ptr->memberFunction(); // Calling member function

45. What is a constant member function in C++?

A constant member function is a member function that promises not to modify the state of the object. It is declared using the `const` keyword after the function declaration. Constant member functions are used when you want to ensure that a member function does not modify the object’s data.

46. How do you declare and define a constant member function in C++?

To declare a constant member function in C++, you place the `const` keyword after the function declaration in the class definition.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
void myFunction() const; // Declaration of constant member function

void MyClass::myFunction() const {
// Definition of constant member function

47. What is the purpose of a constant member function in C++?

The purpose of a constant member function in C++ is to indicate that the function does not modify the state of the object. It provides a way to access member variables and call other member functions of an object while guaranteeing that the object’s data will not be modified. Constant member functions are useful for enforcing data immutability and ensuring object integrity.

48. How do you prevent modification of member variables in a constant member function?

In a constant member function, the compiler automatically treats all member variables as `const`, preventing their modification within the function. This means you cannot directly modify the member variables using the `this` pointer or through any other means within the constant member function. If you attempt to modify a member variable, the compiler will generate an error.

49. What is a friend function in C++?

A friend function in C++ is a function that is not a member of a class but has access to the private and protected member variables and functions of that class. It can be declared as a friend inside the class, granting it access to the class’s private and protected members. Friend functions are often used to allow external functions or classes to access private or protected members of a class.

50. How do you declare and define a friend function in C++?

To declare a friend function in C++, you need to declare it inside the class definition and precede the function declaration with the `friend` keyword.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
int privateVar;

friend void friendFunction(); // Declaration of friend function

void friendFunction() {
MyClass obj;
obj.privateVar = 10; // Accessing private member variable through friend function

In the above example, the `friendFunction()` is declared as a friend of the `MyClass` class, allowing it to access the private member variable `privateVar`. The friend function can be defined outside the class just like a normal function.

51. What is the difference between a friend function and a member function in C++?

– A member function is a function declared within a class and has access to the private and protected members of that class. It is invoked using an object or instance of the class.
– A friend function, on the other hand, is a function that is not a member of a class but has access to the private and protected members of that class. It is declared as a friend of the class and can be invoked without using any object.

52. What is a friend class in C++?

– A friend class in C++ is a class that is granted access to the private and protected members of another class. The friend class can access these members as if they were its own. It is declared using the `friend` keyword within the class that wants to provide access.

53. How do you declare a friend class in C++?

– To declare a friend class in C++, you need to include a `friend` declaration within the class that wants to provide access. The friend class declaration is placed inside the class body, preceded by the `friend` keyword.

For example:

class MyClass {
friend class FriendClass;

54. What is the difference between a friend function and a friend class in C++?

– A friend function is a non-member function that is granted access to the private and protected members of a class, while a friend class is a class that is granted access to the private and protected members of another class. The key difference is that a friend function is not a member of any class, whereas a friend class is a separate class.

55. What is the ‘friend’ keyword used for in C++?

– The ‘friend’ keyword in C++ is used to declare a function or class as a friend of another class. By declaring a function or class as a friend, it allows the friend entity to access the private and protected members of the class that granted friendship. It helps in providing controlled access to the private members of a class.

56. What is the scope resolution operator (::) in C++?

– The scope resolution operator (::) in C++ is used to access members (variables, functions, or types) within a specific scope. It is primarily used to access global variables or members of a namespace, or to access static members of a class.

57. How do you access static members using the scope resolution operator in C++?

– To access static members using the scope resolution operator (::) in C++, you use the class name followed by the scope resolution operator and the name of the static member. For example, if you have a class named `MyClass` with a static member variable `myStaticVar`, you can access it as follows:


58. How do you access non-static members using the scope resolution operator in C++?

– Non-static members cannot be accessed using the scope resolution operator alone. You need to create an object or instance of the class and then use the object name followed by the dot operator (.) to access the non-static member.

For example, if you have a class named `MyClass` with a non-static member function `myFunction`, you can access it as follows:

MyClass obj;

59. What is a constructor initializer list in C++?

– A constructor initializer list in C++ is a syntax used to initialize the member variables of a class within the constructor definition. It is placed after the constructor’s parameter list and before the constructor’s body, separated by a colon (:). The initializer list allows you to initialize member variables before the execution of the constructor’s body.

60. How do you use a constructor initializer list in C++?

– To use a constructor initializer list in C++, you provide the initialization values for the member variables separated by commas within the constructor’s initializer list.

Here’s an example:

class MyClass {
int myVariable;
MyClass(int value) : myVariable(value) {
// Constructor body

In the example, the member variable `myVariable` is initialized with the value passed to the constructor using the constructor initializer list.

61. What is the purpose of a constructor initializer list in C++?

– The purpose of a constructor initializer list in C++ is to initialize the member variables of a class when an object is created. It allows you to set the initial values of the member variables directly, before the constructor’s body is executed. Using an initializer list can improve performance and ensure proper initialization of member variables, especially for non-default and const member variables.

62. What is a nested class in C++?

– A nested class in C++ is a class that is defined within another class. It is also known as a nested or inner class. The nested class is encapsulated within the scope of the enclosing class, and it has access to the private and protected members of the enclosing class. It can be useful for organizing related classes or providing more encapsulation.

63. How do you define and use a nested class in C++?

– To define a nested class in C++, you declare a class inside another class.

Here’s an example:

class OuterClass {
// Outer class members

class NestedClass {
// Nested class members

To use a nested class, you need to qualify its name with the outer class name. For example:

OuterClass::NestedClass obj;

64. What is an abstract class in C++?

– An abstract class in C++ is a class that cannot be instantiated and is meant to be used as a base class for other classes. It contains one or more pure virtual functions, making it an incomplete class. An abstract class is designed to provide a common interface or behavior that derived classes must implement.

65. How do you define an abstract class in C++?

– To define an abstract class in C++, you declare at least one pure virtual function in the class. A pure virtual function is declared using the syntax `virtual returnType functionName() = 0;`. Additionally, the class itself can contain member variables, member functions (including non-pure virtual functions), and constructors/destructors.

66. Can you create objects of an abstract class in C++?

– No, you cannot create objects of an abstract class in C++. Since an abstract class is incomplete due to its pure virtual functions, it cannot be instantiated. However, you can create pointers or references to an abstract class, which can be used to manipulate objects of derived classes.

67. What is a pure virtual function in C++?

– A pure virtual function in C++ is a virtual function that is declared in a base class but does not provide an implementation. It is declared using the syntax `virtual returnType functionName() = 0;`. A class that contains one or more pure virtual functions becomes an abstract class, and derived classes must override these functions to become concrete classes.

68. How do you declare and define a pure virtual function in C++?

– To declare a pure virtual function in C++, you include the `virtual` keyword, followed by the return type, function name, and `= 0` at the end of the declaration.

Here’s an example:
virtual void myFunction() = 0;
To provide a definition for a pure virtual function, you need to override it in a derived class and provide the implementation for the function.

69. Can a pure virtual function have a definition in C++?

– No, a pure virtual function cannot have a definition in C++. Since the purpose of a pure virtual function is to make the class abstract and provide an interface for derived classes, it does not have a specific implementation in the base class. Derived classes are responsible for providing the definition for the pure virtual function.

70. What is a concrete class in C++?

– A concrete class in C++ is a class that can be instantiated and contains complete definitions for all of its member functions. It is a class that provides full implementation and can be used to create objects directly. Unlike abstract classes, concrete classes do not have any pure virtual functions.

71. How do you define a concrete class in C++?

– To define a concrete class in C++, you provide complete implementations for all of its member functions. A concrete class can have member variables, constructors, destructors, and member functions, including virtual functions. It does not contain any pure virtual functions.

72. Can you create objects of a concrete class in C++?

– Yes, you can create objects of a concrete class in C++. A concrete class is fully defined and provides complete implementations of its member functions. Therefore, you can instantiate objects directly using the class’s constructor and access its member functions and variables.

73. What is the difference between an abstract class and a concrete class in C++?

– The main difference between an abstract class and a concrete class in C++ is that an abstract class cannot be instantiated, whereas a concrete class can be. An abstract class contains one or more pure virtual functions, making it incomplete and meant to be used as a base class. In contrast, a concrete class is fully defined and provides complete implementations for all of its member functions, allowing objects to be created directly.

74. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in C++?

– In C++, there is no specific language construct for interfaces like in some other programming languages. However, an abstract class in C++ can serve a similar purpose as an interface. The main difference is that an abstract class can have member variables and non-pure virtual functions along with pure virtual functions, whereas an interface typically only defines pure virtual functions without any member variables.

75. What is the ‘override’ keyword in C++?

– The ‘override’ keyword in C++ is used to explicitly indicate that a member function in a derived class is intended to override a virtual function from the base class. It helps in ensuring that the function signature in the derived class matches the base class function and generates a compilation error if it doesn’t.

76. How do you use the ‘override’ keyword in C++?

– To use the ‘override’ keyword in C++, you include it after the function declaration in the derived class that is intended to override a virtual function from the base class.

Here’s an example:

class BaseClass {
virtual void myFunction();

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
void myFunction() override;

In this example, the ‘override’ keyword is used in the declaration of `myFunction()` in the DerivedClass to explicitly indicate that it overrides the virtual function `myFunction()` from the BaseClass.

77. What is the purpose of the ‘override’ keyword in C++?

– The purpose of the ‘override’ keyword in C++ is to provide a clear indication that a member function in a derived class is intended to override a virtual function from the base class. It helps in preventing accidental mistakes or omissions when overriding virtual functions, and generates a compilation error if the function signature doesn’t match the base class function.

78. What is a virtual function in C++?

– A virtual function in C++ is a member function that is declared in a base class and can be overridden by a derived class. It allows dynamic dispatch, which means that the function called at runtime depends on the actual type of the object. Virtual functions enable polymorphism and facilitate overriding behavior in derived classes.

79. How do you declare and define a virtual function in C++?

– To declare a virtual function in C++, you include the `virtual` keyword before the return type

in the function declaration within the base class.

For example:

class BaseClass {
virtual void myFunction();

To provide a definition for the virtual function, you can either provide it inline within the class definition or provide a separate implementation outside the class definition.

80. What is the purpose of a virtual function in C++?

– The purpose of a virtual function in C++ is to enable polymorphism and provide a way for derived classes to override the behavior defined in the base class. It allows a program to determine the appropriate function to call at runtime based on the actual type of the object, rather than the declared type. Virtual functions are essential for achieving dynamic binding and implementing runtime polymorphism.

81. How do you override a virtual function in a derived class in C++?

– To override a virtual function in a derived class in C++, you provide a function with the same name, return type, and parameters in the derived class. The function in the derived class must be declared as virtual, and it should have the `override` keyword to explicitly indicate the intention to override the base class’s virtual function.

Here’s an example:

class BaseClass {
virtual void myFunction();

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
void myFunction() override;

82. What is the difference between virtual functions and non-virtual functions in C++?

– The main difference between virtual functions and non-virtual functions in C++ is how they are resolved at runtime. Virtual functions allow dynamic dispatch, which means that the function called at runtime depends on the actual type of the object. In contrast, non-virtual functions are resolved based on the static (compile-time) type of the object. Virtual functions enable polymorphism and provide the ability to override behavior in derived classes.

83. What is multiple inheritance in C++?

– Multiple inheritance in C++ is a feature that allows a class to inherit from more than one base class. It enables a class to combine features and behaviors from multiple parent classes. With multiple inheritance, a derived class can inherit members from multiple base classes and access their functionality.

84. How do you implement multiple inheritance in C++?

– To implement multiple inheritance in C++, you specify multiple base classes separated by commas in the class declaration of the derived class.

Here’s an example:

class BaseClass1 {
// Base class 1 members

class BaseClass2 {
// Base class 2 members

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass1, public BaseClass2 {
// Derived class members

In this example, the derived class `DerivedClass` inherits from both `BaseClass1` and `BaseClass2`.

85. What is the diamond problem in multiple inheritance?

– The diamond problem is a specific issue that can arise in multiple inheritance when a class inherits from two or more classes, which in turn inherit from a common base class. It results in ambiguity when the derived class tries to access members of the base class through its two parent classes. This ambiguity occurs because the derived class has two copies of the same base class due to multiple inheritance.

86. How do you resolve the diamond problem in C++?

– The diamond problem in multiple inheritance can be resolved in C++ using virtual inheritance. By using virtual inheritance, the derived class ensures that there is only one instance of the common base class shared among the multiple parent classes. This prevents the ambiguity caused by the diamond problem. To implement virtual inheritance, you use the `virtual` keyword when inheriting from the base class.

For example:

class BaseClass {
// Base class members

class DerivedClass1 : public virtual BaseClass {
// Derived class 1 members

class DerivedClass2 : public virtual BaseClass {
// Derived class 2 members

class FinalDerivedClass : public DerivedClass1, public DerivedClass2 {
// Final derived class members

In this example, `BaseClass` is virtually inherited by `DerivedClass1` and `DerivedClass2`, and `FinalDerivedClass` inherits from both, resolving the diamond problem.

87. What is a base class in C++?

– In C++, a base class is a class that is being inherited from by another class. It serves as the foundation or starting point for the derived class, providing common attributes and behaviors that can be inherited and extended. A base class can contain member variables

, member functions, constructors, and destructors that are accessible to the derived class.

88. How do you define and use a base class in C++?

– To define a base class in C++, you declare a class as you would normally, specifying its member variables and member functions.

Here’s an example:

class BaseClass {
// Base class members

To use a base class, you can inherit from it in a derived class using the `public`, `protected`, or `private` access specifier, depending on the desired access level. The derived class can then access the public and protected members of the base class.

89. What is a derived class in C++?

– A derived class in C++ is a class that inherits attributes and behaviors from a base class. It extends the functionality of the base class by adding new member variables and member functions or by overriding existing ones. A derived class can have its own additional members in addition to the inherited members.

90. How do you define and use a derived class in C++?

– To define a derived class in C++, you declare a class that inherits from a base class using the `public`, `protected`, or `private` access specifier.

Here’s an example:

class BaseClass {
// Base class members

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
// Derived class members

In this example, `DerivedClass` is derived from `BaseClass` using public inheritance. The derived class can access the public and protected members of the base class.

91. What is the difference between public, protected, and private inheritance in C++?

  • – In C++, the access specifiers used in inheritance (`public`, `protected`, and `private`) determine the accessibility of the inherited members in the derived class. The main differences are:
  • – Public inheritance: In public inheritance, public members of the base class become public members of the derived class, protected members become protected, and private members are not accessible in the derived class.
  • – Protected inheritance: In protected inheritance, both public and protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class. Private members are not accessible.
  • – Private inheritance: In private inheritance, both public and protected members of the base class become private members of the derived class. They are not accessible outside the derived class.

92. What is dynamic binding in C++?

– Dynamic binding in C++ refers to the process of determining the appropriate function to call at runtime based on the actual type of the object, rather than the declared type. It allows a program to resolve the function call dynamically based on the object’s runtime type. Dynamic binding is achieved through virtual functions and is a key aspect of polymorphism in C++.

93. How do you achieve dynamic binding in C++?

– Dynamic binding in C++ is achieved through virtual functions. By declaring a function as virtual in a base class and overriding it in derived classes, the appropriate function is dynamically bound and called based on the runtime type of the object. When a virtual function is called through a base class pointer or reference, the function implementation associated with the actual object type is executed.

94. What is the difference between early binding and late binding in C++?

– Early binding, also known as static binding or compile-time binding, is a process where the function call is resolved at compile-time based on the static (declared) type of the object. It is used when non-virtual functions are called or when virtual functions are called through an object rather than a pointer or reference. Late binding, also known as dynamic binding or runtime binding, is a process where the function call is resolved at runtime based on the dynamic (actual) type of the object

. It occurs when virtual functions are called through a base class pointer or reference.

95. What is polymorphism in C++?

– Polymorphism in C++ is the ability of objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common base type. It allows objects to be processed uniformly through a common interface, even if they belong to different derived classes. Polymorphism is achieved through virtual functions and dynamic binding, enabling different behaviors to be executed based on the actual type of the object.

96. How do you achieve polymorphism in C++?

– Polymorphism in C++ is achieved through inheritance and virtual functions. By using a base class pointer or reference, and calling virtual functions through it, you can invoke the appropriate function implementation based on the runtime type of the object. This allows objects of different derived classes to be treated uniformly and exhibit different behaviors based on their actual type.

97. What is the difference between static binding and dynamic binding in C++?

– Static binding, also known as early binding or compile-time binding, is a binding mechanism where the function call is resolved at compile-time based on the static (declared) type of the object. It is used for non-virtual functions and when virtual functions are called through an object rather than a pointer or reference. Dynamic binding, also known as late binding or runtime binding, is a binding mechanism where the function call is resolved at runtime based on the dynamic (actual) type of the object. It occurs when virtual functions are called through a base class pointer or reference.

98. What is an abstract base class in C++?

– An abstract base class in C++ is a class that is designed to be used as a base class and contains one or more pure virtual functions. It is meant to be derived from and serves as an interface or contract that derived classes must fulfill by implementing the pure virtual functions. Abstract base classes cannot be instantiated, but they can be used as pointers or references to derived objects.

99. How do you define and use an abstract base class in C++?

– To define an abstract base class in C++, you declare a class with one or more pure virtual functions. Here’s an example:

class AbstractBaseClass {
virtual void pureVirtualFunction() = 0;

To use an abstract base class, you derive from it and implement the pure virtual functions in the derived class. The derived class must provide concrete definitions for the pure virtual functions to become a concrete class.

100. What is the difference between an abstract base class and a concrete base class in C++?

– The difference between an abstract base class and a concrete base class in C++ lies in their purpose and usability. An abstract base class is designed to be used as an interface or contract and contains one or more pure virtual functions. It cannot be instantiated, but it can be used as a pointer or reference to derived objects. On the other hand, a concrete base class is a fully defined class that can be instantiated and provides complete implementations for all of its member functions. It does not contain any pure virtual functions.

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