This set of Advanced Database Management System focuses on Relational Calculus MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers).Which includes Domain Relational Calculus MCQs and Tuple Relational Calculus MCQs.
1. The tuple relational calculus is a ___________Query Language.
- Procedural
- Non-procedural
- Object oriented
- Dynamic
It describes the desired information without giving a specific procedure for obtaining that information.
A Query in tuple relational calculus is expressed as
{ t | P(t) }
2. Which of the following uses domain variable that take on values from an attributes domain, rather that values for an entire tuple.?
- Tuple relational calculus
- Relational Algebra
- Domain relational calculus
- None of the above
3. An expression {<X1,X2,….Xn > | P(X1,X2,….Xn)} , Where X1,X2,….Xn represent Domain variable. P represents a formula composed of atoms. This expression is of the of the following?
- Tuple relational calculus
- Relational Algebra
- Domain relational calculus
- None of the above
4. SQL is based on______
- Tuple relational calculus
- Relational Algebra
- Domain relational calculus
- All of the above
5. QBE is based on______
- Tuple relational calculus
- Relational Algebra
- Domain relational calculus
- All of the above
6. Datalog is based on______
- Tuple relational calculus
- Relational Algebra
- Domain relational calculus
- All of the above
7. The Domain relational calculus is a ___________Query Language.
- Procedural
- Non-procedural
- Sequential
- Dynamic