This section contains more frequently asked Data Structure and Algorithms Basics MCQs in the various University level and competitive examinations.
1. job sequencing with deadline is based on ____________method
- greedy method
- branch and bound
- dynamic programming
- divide and conquer
2. fractional knapsack is based on ____________method
- greedy method
- branch and bound 2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4
- dynamic programming
- divide and conquer
3. 0/1 knapsack is based on ____________method
- greedy method
- branch and bound
- dynamic programming
- divide and conquer
4. The files x1,x2,x3 are 3 files of length 30,20,10 records each. What is the optimal merge pattern value?
- 110
- 60
- 90
- 50
5. The optimal merge pattern is based on _________ method
- Greedy method
- Dynamic programming
- Knapsack method
- Branch and bound
6. Who invented the word Algorithm
- Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn Musa
- Abu Mohammed Khan
- Abu Jafar Mohammed Kasim
- Abu Ja’far Mohammed Ali Khan
7. In Algorithm comments begin with____________
- /*
- /
- */
- //
8. The ___________ of an algorithm is the amount of memory it needs to run to completion.
- Space Complexity
- Best Case
- Time Complexity
- Worst Case
9. ___________ is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the time and space it takes tocompute the results.
- Debugging
- Combining
- Profiling
- Conqure
10. In Algorithm Specification the blockes are indicated with matching _______
- Braces
- Square Brackets
- Parenthesis
- Slashes