This section contains more frequently asked Data Structure and Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions Answers in the various University level and competitive examinations.
1. Tight bound is denoted as _______
- Ω
- Θ
- Ω
- O
2. Upper bound is denoted as _______
- Ω
- Θ
- ω
- O
3. lower bound is denoted as _______
- Ω
- Θ
- ω
- O
4. The function f(n)=o(g(n)) if and only if Limit f(n)/g(n)=0n->∞
- Little oh
- Little omega
- Big oh
- Omega
5. The functionf(n)=o(g(n)) if and only if Limit g(n)/f(n)=0 n->∞
- Little oh
- Little omega
- Big oh
- Omega
6. Thegeneralcriteriaof algorithm;zero or more quantities are externally supplied is ______
- Output
- Finiteness
- Effectiveness
- Input
7. The general criteria of algorithm; at least one quantity is produced ______
- Output
- Finiteness
- Effectiveness
- Input
8. The general criteria of algorithm; Each instruction is clear and unambiguous ______
- Output
- Definiteness
- Effectiveness
- Input
9. The general criteria of algorithm; algorithm must terminates after a finite number of steps ______
- Output
- Finiteness
- Effectiveness
- Input
10. Which is not a criteria of algorithm
- Input
- Output
- Time complexity
- Best case