This section contains more frequently asked Data Structure Fundamentals MCQs in the various University level and competitive examinations.
1. In analysis of algorithm, approximate relationship between the size of the job and the amount of work required to do it is expressed by using
- Order of magnitude or Big – O
- Central tendency
- Differential equation
- Polynomial equation
2. Worst case efficiency of binary search is
- log2 n + 1
- n
- N^2
- 2^n
3. Worst case efficiency of which search is O(n)?
- Sequential search
- Binary search
- Indexed search
- Hashing
4. Breadth first search
- Scans all incident edges before moving to other vertex
- Scans adjacentunvisited vertex as soon as possible
- Is same as backtracking
- Computes a path between two vertices of graph or equivalently
5. Which of the following searching methods requires that all keys must reside in internal memory?
- Binary search
- Sequential search
- Hashing
- Depth first search
6. Which of the following formulas in Omega notation best represent the expression n²+35n+6?
- Ω (n³)
- Ω (n²)
- Ω (n)
- Ω (35)
7. What term is used to describe an O(n) algorithm?
- Constant
- Non Polynomial Deterministic
- Logarithmic
- Linear
8. Express the formula (n – 2)*(n – 4) using θ notation:
- θ (n^2)
- θ (8)
- θ (log n)
- θ (n)
9. Which of the following are essential statement types for describing algorithms?
- Sequence
- Selection
- Repetition
- All the above