With each visit of this Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation online Quiz / Practice Test, the list of MCQs / Objective Questions presented will be different, offering you a diverse set of practice opportunities. This variability encourages you to practice extensively, refining the accuracy of your answers and your overall grasp of the content. By utilizing this resource, you can hone your skills and become more adept at managing time constraints during actual exams.
Test Instructions Question type Randomized MCQs.Changes every time you visit the test Total Number of Questions 30 Time Limit 20 Minutes Points 1 Point for each Question
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Question 1 of 30
Q-1.The standardization of a.c potentiometer is done by
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 2 of 30
Q-2.In an induction type energy meter, compensation for static friction is provided by
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 3 of 30
Q-3.The resolution of a 12-bit analog to digital converter in per cent is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 4 of 30
Q-4.In order that photoelectric emission to be possible over whole of the visible spectrum of 370 nm – 770 nm, the work function of the photoemission surface should be approximately :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 5 of 30
Q-5.Turns compensation is used in current transformer primarily for reduction of :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 6 of 30
Q-6.A meggar is used for measurement of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 7 of 30
Q-7.The power limit of useful working range of a transducer is determined by
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 8 of 30
Q-8.Pulses of frequency 1 MHz are applied to the time base selector of a digital frequency meter which consists of 6 frequency dividers, each dividing the incoming frequency by a factor of 10. What is the time base setting at the output of 4th frequency divisor?
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 9 of 30
Q-9.Absolute encoders are used for
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 10 of 30
Q-10.In series type ohmmeters, zero adjustment should be done by
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 11 of 30
Q-11.The burden of current transformer is express in terms of :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 12 of 30
Q-12.The luminous sensitivity of gas filled photoelectric cells varies between :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 13 of 30
Q-13.One of the following can act as an inverse transducer
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 14 of 30
Q-14.The power consumption of a dc voltmeter using a direct coupled amplifier when measuring a voltage of 0.5 volt and having an input impedance of 10 MΩ is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 15 of 30
Q-15.Ratio error in a CT can be reduced by
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 16 of 30
Q-16.If the distance of screen from a CRT to centre of deflection plates is 15 cm, the length of deflection plates is 2 cm, the distance between plates is 1 cm and accelerating voltage is 500 V. the deflection sensitivity is :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 17 of 30
Q-17.The sensitivity factor of strain gauge is normally of the order of
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 18 of 30
Q-18.The resistance coil of a winding has a distributed capacitance of 9 pF. When wound in a single section. The same winding is sectionalized and is wound in three sections connected in series.The distributed capacitance of the winding with new arrangement is :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 19 of 30
Q-19.Cascade connection of transformer is normally used when a single transformer cannot be used because the minimum testing voltage:
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 20 of 30
Q-20.The shunt resistance in an ammeter is usually
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 21 of 30
Q-21.Transformation ratio of a PT is defined as
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 22 of 30
Q-22.Purely mechanical instruments cannot be used for dynamic measurement because they have:
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 23 of 30
Q-23.The pulse rise time is defined as the time taken by the pulse
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 24 of 30
Q-24.The power requirement of LED is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 25 of 30
Q-25.The output of an OPAMP is 2 V peak. The slew rate is 5 V / µ. The input sinusoidal which can be reproduced with no distortion has the maximum frequency of :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 26 of 30
Q-26.The side of air cored transducers as compared ith their iron cored counterparts is
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 27 of 30
Q-27.The visible spectrum has wavelengths ranging from :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 28 of 30
Q-28.The decrease in the value of emf of an unsaturated Weston Cell is :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 29 of 30
Q-29.The reason for using ring type specimens for ballistic tests is :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
Question 30 of 30
Q-30.A unknown resistance is measured by substitution method. First a standard known resistance of 100 Ω is connected in series with a circuit having a rheostat and a galvanometer. The battery voltage is 10V and the setting of rheostat is 500 Ω and the galvanometer shows a deflection of 60°. After this test. The battery voltage goes down to 9 V and when the unknown resistance is substituted for the known resistance, the galvanometer again shows a deflection of 60° with the same setting of the rheostat. The value of unknown resistance is :
Your Answer:Correct
Your Answer:Incorrect
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