In this section of Electronic Devices and Circuits.It contain Multi Stage Transistor Amplifiers MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).All the MCQs (Multiple Choice Question Answers) requires in depth reading of Electronic Devices and Circuits Subject as the hardness level of MCQs have been kept to advance level.These Sets of Questions are very helpful in Preparing for various Competitive Exams and University level Exams.

This Section covers below lists of topics :

  1. Multi stage Transistor Amplifiers MCQs.
  2. Gain,Decibel,Frequency Response,Band Width of Multi stage transistor Amplifier MCQs.
  3. RC Coupled (Resistance Capacitance) transistor amplifier  MCQs.
  4. Transformer coupled transistor amplifier MCQs.
  5. Direct-coupled amplifiers MCQs.

Practice it now to sharpen your concept.


1. for amplifying the signal containing frequency component from 550KHZ to 1600 khz , the most appropriate amplifier is

  • RC coupled amplifier
  • Transformer coupled amplifier
  • Direct coupled amplifier
  • All of these

2. If the absolute voltage gain of an amplifier is 100, then its decibel gain is

  • 20 DB
  • 10 DB
  • 40 DB
  • None of these

3. Atypical RC coupling Capacitor for a transistor amplifier is

  • 0.001 pF
  • 100 pF
  • 0.1 pF
  • 10 μ F

4. The frequency response of a transformer coupling is

  • Poor
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • None of these

5. The final stage of an amplifier uses

  • RC coupling
  • Transformer coupling
  • Direct coupling
  • All of these

6. The decibel gain is important because

  • The overall gain can be calculated by multiplying the gains of individual stages
  • Value of a game is smaller when expressed in DB
  • It tallies human ear response
  • None of these

7. For amplification of a very low frequency <10 hz signal, the most appropriate amplifier is

  • RC coupled amplifier
  • Transformer coupled amplifier
  • Direct amplifier
  • None of these

8. RC coupled amplifier is also called audio amplifier because

  • Speaker is connected at its output
  • Coupling capacitor couples the two stages
  • It is almost constant gain in the audio frequency range
  • None of these

9. If three stage of multi staging amplifier have individual gain of 5db and 15 db, then the total gain is

  • 50db
  • 150db
  • 750db
  • 30db

10. The lower or upper cut off frequency is also known as

  • Half power frequency
  • 3db frequency
  • Both a and b
  • None of these
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