Lets have a look at below Lists of Short Descriptive type Questions that may be asked in this format in Written Exams.
1. Define A/D and D/A converters?
D/A converters transform a digital signal to an equivalent analog signal, and A/D converters transform an analog signal to an equivalent digital signal.
2. What is resolution?
Resolution of a converter determines the degree of accuracy in conversion. It is equal to 1/2n
3. To interface an A/D converter with the microprocessor, what does the microprocessor do?
The microprocessor should:
- Send a pulse to the start pin
- Wait until the end of the conversation
- Read the digital signal at the input port
4. Write instructions for the EXEC module, assuming the memory address where execution begins is in the register DE?
5. What are the functions of a single-board microcomputer?
- Increase memory addressing
- Increase execution speed
- Provide a powerful instruction set
6. What is BHE?
BHE is Bus High Enable. This is an active low signal used only in the 8086 microprocessor to enable the high order byte of 16-bit data.
7. How many flags are included in 8086 programming model?
Six data flags and three control flags.
8. Write down the additional flags included in the 8086?
- OF—– Overflow
- DF—–Direction Flag
- IF——Interrupt Flag
- TF—–Trap Flag
9. Write the advanced design features of Pentium processor?
- Superscalar architecture On-chip cache memory for code and data
- Branch prediction
- Performance monitoring
10. Write the data transfer from master MPU to slave MPU?
- The master MPU reads the status
- The master writes the data into port A
- The slave checks the OBF signal
- The slave MPU reads the data from port A
11. What is Microprocessor? Give the power supply & clock frequency of 8085?
Ans:A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary instructions from a
storage device called memory accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output. The power supply of 8085 is +5V and clock frequency in 3MHz.
12. List few applications ofmicroprocessor-based system.
Ans:It is used:
i. For measurements, display and control of current, voltage, temperature, pressure, etc.
ii. For traffic control and industrial tool control.
iii. For speed control of machines.
13. What are the functions of an accumulator?
Ans:The accumulator is the register associated with the ALU operations and sometimes I/O operations. It is
an integral part of ALU. It holds one of data to be processed by ALU. It also temporarily stores the result of the operation performed by the ALU.
14. List the 16 – bit registers of 8085 microprocessor.
Ans:Stack pointer (SP) and Program counter (PC).
15. List the allowed register pairs of
B-C register pair
D-E register pair
H-L register pair
16. Mention the purpose of SID and SOD lines
Ans: SID (Serial input data line): It is an input line through which the microprocessor accepts serial data. SOD (Serial output data line): It is an output line through which the microprocessor sends output serial data.
17. What is an Opcode?
Ans: The part of the instruction that specifies the operation to be performed is called the operation code or opcode.
18. What is the function of IO/M signal in the 8085?
Ans: It is a status signal. It is used to differentiate between memory locations and I/O operations. When this signal is low (IO/M = 0) it denotes the memory related operations. When this signal is high (IO/M = 1) it denotes an I/O operation.
19. What is an Operand?
Ans: The data on which the operation is to be performed is called as an Operand.
20. How many operations are there in the instruction set of 8085 microprocessor?
Ans: There are 74 operations in the 8085 microprocessor.