Before Moving Ahead with the Microprocessor-8086 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – MCQs, Lets have a look at what we will learn in this section.
- 1. Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputers:
- – Microprocessor basics
- – Microcomputer organization and architecture
- 2. 8086 Microprocessor Architecture:
- 8086 CPU architecture and internal registers
- Addressing modes
- Instruction set and data movement instructions
- 3. Assembly Language Programming:
- Introduction to assembly language
- Writing and executing assembly language programs
- Flow control instructions
- 4. 8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Handling:
- Interrupts and their types
- Interrupt vector table
- Writing interrupt service routines (ISRs)
- 5. Memory Interfacing:
- Memory organization
- Address decoding techniques
- Interfacing with different memory devices
- 6. Input/Output (I/O) Interfacing:
- I/O devices and their interfacing techniques
- Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255)
- Serial and Parallel communication (8251 and 8253/8254)
- 7. Interrupt Controller (8259):
- Introduction to the 8259 interrupt controller
- Cascade mode and interrupt priority
- 8. Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller (8257/8237):
- DMA concepts
- DMA controller architecture and operations
- 9. Advanced 8086 Programming Techniques:
- String and array manipulation
- Macros and procedures
- Debugging and testing
- 10. 8086 System Design and Timing Diagrams:
- Minimum and maximum mode operations
- System timing diagrams
- 11. 8086 Multiprocessor Configuration:
- Coprocessor interfacing (8087 FPU)
- 12. Introduction to 8088 and 80186:
- Brief overview of 8088 and 80186 microprocessors