This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessors 8086 Questions Bank with Answers which are randomly compiled from various reference books and Questions papers for those who are preparing for the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. The _______ is used to connect more microprocessor
- peripheral device
- cascade
- I/O devices
- control unit
2. CS connect the output of ______
- encoder
- decoder
- slave program
- buffer
3. In which year, 8086 was introduced?
- 1978
- 1979
- 1977
- 1981
4. Expansion for HMOS technology_______
- high level mode oxygen semiconductor
- high level metal oxygen semiconductor
- high performance medium oxide semiconductor
- high performance metal oxide semiconductor
5. 8086 and 8088 contains _______ transistors
- 29000
- 24000
- 34000
- 54000
6. ALE stands for ___________
- address latch enable
- address level enable
- address leak enable
- address leak extension
7. What is DEN?
- direct enable
- data entered
- data enable
- data encoding
8. In 8086, Example for Non maskable interrupts are ________.
- RST6.5
- RST6.6
9. In 8086 the overflow flag is set when _____________
- the sum is more than 16 bits.
- signed numbers go out of their range after an arithmetic operation.
- carry and sign flags are set.
- subtraction
10. In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all type interrupts?
- DIV 0
- TYPE 255