This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessors 8086 Fundamental Multiple Choice Questions Answers which are randomly compiled from various reference books and Questions papers for those who are preparing for the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. The remaining address line of ______ bus is decoded to generate chip select signal
- data
- address
- control bus
- both (a) and (b)
2. _______ signal is generated by combining RD and WR signals with IO/M
- control
- memory
- register
- system
3. Memory is an integral part of a _______ system
- supercomputer
- microcomputer
- mini computer
- mainframe computer
4. _____ has certain signal requirements write into and read from its registers
- memory
- register
- both (a) and (b)
- control
5. An _________ is used to fetch one address
- internal decoder
- external decoder
- encoder
- register
6. The primary function of the _____________ is to accept data from I/P devices
- multiprocessor
- microprocessor
- peripherals
- interfaces
7. ___________ signal prevent the microprocessor from reading the same data more than one
- pipelining
- handshaking
- controlling
- signaling
8. Bits in IRR interrupt are ______
- reset
- set
- stop
- start
9. __________ generate interrupt signal to microprocessor and receive acknowledge
- priority resolver
- control logic
- interrupt request register
- interrupt register
10. The _______ pin is used to select direct command word
- A0
- D7-D6
- A12
- AD7-AD6