This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessor 8086 and Microcontroller Multiple Choice Questions and Answers which are randomly compiled from various reference books and Questions papers for those who are preparing for the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. Which is not an operand?
- Variable
- Register
- Memory location
- Assembler
2. Which is not part of the execution unit (EU)?
- Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
- Clock
- General registers
- Flags
3. A 20-bit address bus can locate ________
- 1,048,576 locations
- 2,097,152 locations
- 4,194,304 locations
- 8,388,608 locations
4. Which of the following is not an arithmetic instruction?
- INC (increment)
- CMP (compare)
- DEC (decrement)
- ROL (rotate left)
5. During a read operation the CPU fetches ________
- a program instruction
- another address
- data itself
- all of the above
6. Which of the following is not an 8086/8088 general-purpose register?
- Code segment (CS)
- Data segment (DS)
- Stack segment (SS)
- Address segment (AS)
7. A 20-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity
- 1 MB
- 2 MB
- 4 MB
- 8 MB
8. Which microprocessor accepts the program written for 8086 without any changes?
- 8085
- 8086
- 8087
- 8088
9. Which group of instructions do not affect the flags?
- Arithmetic operations
- Logic operations
- Data transfer operations
- Branch operations
10. The result of MOV AL, 65 is to store
- store 0100 0010 in AL
- store 42H in AL
- store 40H in AL
- store 0100 0001 in AL