This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessor 8086 and Microcontroller MCQs which are randomly compiled from various reference books and Questions papers for those who are preparing for the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. In 8086 microprocessor one of the following statements is not true?
- coprocessor is interfaced in max mode.
- coprocessor is interfaced in min mode.
- I /O can be interfaced in max / min mode.
- supports pipelining
2. Address line for TRAP is?
- 0023H
- 0024H
- 0033H
- 0099H
3. Access time is faster for _________
4. The First Microprocessor was__________
- 8080
- 8085
- 4008
- Intel 4004
5. Status register is also called as ___________
- accumulator
- stack
- counter
- flags
6. Which of the following is not a basic element within the microprocessor?
- Microcontroller
- Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
- Register array
- Control unit
7. Which method bypasses the CPU for certain types of data transfer?
- Software interrupts
- Interrupt-driven I/O
- Polled I/O
- Direct memory access (DMA)
8. Which bus is bidirectional?
- Address bus
- Control bus
- Data bus
- None of the above
9. The first microprocessor had a(n)________
- 1 – bit data bus
- 2 – bit data bus
- 4 – bit data bus
- 8 – bit data bus
10. Which microprocessor has multiplexed data and address lines?
- 8086
- 80286
- 80386
- Pentium