In this section of Operating System Main Memory – Memory contain Operating System Main Memory – Contiguous-Noncontiguous Memory Allocation MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).All the MCQs (Multiple Choice Question Answers) requires in detail reading of Operating System subject as the hardness level of MCQs have been kept to advance level.
This MCQs section is mainly focused on below lists of topics

  1. Contiguous Memory Allocation
  1. NonContiguous Memory Allocation
  • -Logical Addresses, Physical Addresses and Address translation
  • -Approaches to Noncontiguous Memory allocation
  1. Paging
  2. Segmentation


1. Contiguous memory allocation is the classical memory allocation model in which

  • Same process is allocated in a different area in the memory
  • all the process is allocated a single contiguous area in the memory
  • Each process is allocated a single contiguous area in the memory
  • All of the above

2. Contiguous memory allocation faces the problem of

  • Memory fragmentation
  • Page Faults
  • less throughput
  • Less hit ratio

3. In Contiguous memory allocation _________ has no cure

  • Internal fragmentation
  • External fragmentation
  • inline fragmentation
  • outline fragmentation

4. The technique of memory compaction and reuse of memory can be applied to overcome the problem of

  • Internal fragmentation
  • External fragmentation
  • Page Faults
  • Swapping

5. Memory compaction involves _________

  • removing of memory
  • No Relocation
  • Static relocation
  • Dynamic relocation

6. Dynamic Relocation is not feasible without_____

  • Program Counter
  • Special Purpose Register
  • Relocation Register
  • Program status Word

7. NonContiguous memory allocation is a model in which

  • Portion of its address space are distributed among many areas of memory
  • all the process is allocated a single continuous area in the memory
  • Each process is allocated a single continuous area in the memory
  • All of the above

8. In NonContiguous memory allocation _______

  • it increases the external fragmentation
  • it reduce the external fragmentation
  • it increases the internal fragmentation
  • it reduce the internal fragmentation

9. logical address is the address______

  • constituents the physical address space
  • of an instruction or data byte as used in a process.
  • in a memory where an instruction or data byte exists
  • All of the above

10. physical address is the address______

  • constituents the logical address space
  • of an instruction or data byte as used in a process.
  • in a memory where an instruction or data byte exists
  • All of the above

11. The CPU sends the __________ of each data or instruction used in the process to the MMU.

  • Physical address
  • logical address
  • effective address
  • None of the above

12. The MMU uses the memory allocation information stored in the table to compute the corresponding __________

  • Physical address
  • logical address
  • effective address
  • None of the above

13. The procedure of computing the effective memory address from a logical address is called______

  • physical address translation
  • logical address translation
  • address translation
  • All of the above

14. in Non-contiguous memory allocation the kernel allocates a single memory area to a process.

  • TRUE

15. In Contiguous allocation address translation is not required

  • TRUE

16. In Contiguous allocation external fragmentation arises if first-fit,best-fit,or next-fit allocation is used.internal fragmentation arises if memory allocation is performed in blocks of a few standard sizes.

  • TRUE

17. In NonContiguous allocation unless the computer system provides the relocation register,swapped-in process must be places in its originally allocated area.

  • TRUE

18. Which of the following is the fundamental approaches to implement Non-contiguous memory allocation?

  1. Paging
  2. Segmentation
  3. Memory compaction
  4. power of 2 allocator

  • 1,2
  • 2,3
  • 3,4
  • 1,4
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