In this section of Operating System CPU Scheduling contain Operating System Process Management – Recovery from Deadlock MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).All the MCQs (Multiple Choice Question Answers) requires in detail reading of Operating System subject as the hardness level of MCQs have been kept to advance level.


1. Which of the following is  options for breaking a deadlock

  • simply abort one Process
  • simply abort one or more processes to break the circular wait
  • preempt some resources from one or more of the deadlocked processes
  • All of the above

2. which of the following method can be used to eliminate deadlock under process termination

  • Abort all deadlocked processes
  • Abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated
  • It is not possible to abort all deadlocked process
  • A and B

3. In which of the following method after each process is aborted, a deadlock-detection algorithm must be invoked to determine whether any processes are still deadlocked.

  • Abort all deadlocked processes
  • Abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated
  • preempt some resources from one or more of the deadlocked processes
  • None of the above

4. we should abort those processes whose termination will incur

  • the average cost
  • the Maximum cost
  • the minimum cost
  • None of the above

5. Many factors may affect which process is chosen for termination, including:

  • What the priority of the process is
  • How long the process has computed and how much longer the process will compute before completing its designated task
  • How many and what types of resources the process has used (for example,whether the resources are simple to preempt)
  • All of the above

6. If preemption is required to deal with deadlocks, which of the following issues need to be addressed:

  • Selecting a victim
  • Rollback
  • Starvation
  • All of the above

7. Which resources and which processes are to be preempted? As in process termination, we must determine the order of preemption to minimize cost. Cost factors may include which of the below parameters

  • as the number of resources a deadlocked process is holding
  • the amount of time the process has thus far consumed.
  • A and B
  • None of the above

8. If we preempt a resource from a process, Which of the following stands true?

  1. it cannot continue with its normal execution; it is missing some needed resource.
  2. We must roll back the process to some safe state and restart it from that state
  3. it can continue with its normal execution; it is missing some needed resource.
  4. We should not roll back the process to some safe state and restart it from that state

  • 1
  • 1,2
  • 2,3
  • 3,4

9. Which of  the following method requires the system to keep more information about the state of all running processes to break the deadlock in Resource Preemption

  • Selecting a victim
  • Rollback
  • Starvation
  • deadlock-detection

10. In Resource preemtion which of the following causes  starvation to occur

  • resources are always preempted from the same process
  • resources will not always be preempted from the same process
  • Abort all deadlocked processes
  • Abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated

11. Which following is the solution to starvation problem in resource preemtion

  • the same process is always picked as a victim
  • we must ensure that a process can be picked as a victim only a (small) finite number of times
  • A and B both
  • None of the above
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