In this section of Operating System’s Storage Management, it contains Operating System’s File System Interface – File Organizations and Access Methods MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers).
1. Information in the file is processed in order, one record after the other.
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- All of the above.
2. A file is made up of fixed-length logical records that allow programs to read and write records rapidly in no particular order.
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- All of the above.
3. Disks allow random access to any file block In_________
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- Indexed sequential-access method.
For direct access, the file is viewed as a numbered sequence of blocks or records. Thus, we may read block 14, then read block 53, and then write block 7. There are no restrictions on the order of reading or writing for a direct-access file.
4. The file operations read operation—read next()—reads the next portion of the file and automatically advances a file pointer. Similarly, the write operation—write next() in____________
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- Indexed sequential-access method.
5. The file operations must be modified to include the block number as a parameter. Thus, we have read(n), where n is the block number, rather than read next(), and write(n) rather than write next() in__________
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- Indexed sequential-access method.
6. In a Tape Drive Which of the following Access method is suitable for accessing records?
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- Indexed sequential-access method.
A tape drive can access only the records that are placed immediately before or after the current position of its read/write head. Hence it is suitable for sequential access to records.
7. In a Disk drive which of the following Access method is suitable for accessing records?
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Logical Access Methods
- Both Direct and Sequential Access Method
Disk drive can directly access any records given its address. Hence it can efficiently implement both the sequential and random record access pattern
8. In a ___________ to locate a desired record, the access method module for this organization searches an index to identify a section of the disk that may contain the record, and searches the record in a file sequentially.
- Direct Access Methods
- Sequential Access Methods
- Index Sequential Access Methods
- Both Direct and Sequential Access Method
9. Which of the following techniques reads records of an input file ahead of the time when they are needed by a process and holds them temporarily in the memory area?
- Buffering of records
- Blocking of records
- Buffering and blocking of records
- None of the above.
The purpose of buffering is to reduce or eliminate the wait for an IO operation to complete; the process faces wait only when required record does not already exist in the buffer.
10. Which of the following techniques always reads or writes a large block of data, which contains several file records, from or to the I/O medium?
- Buffering of records
- Blocking of records
- Buffering and blocking of records
- None of the above.
This features reduces the total number of IO operations required for processing a file, hereby improving the file processing efficiency of a process. Also improves utilization f an IO medium and throughput of a device.