This section contains more frequently asked Programming In C Basics Objective Questions Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. Who invented the C – Programming?
- James Gosling
- Dennis Ritche
- Bjarne Stroustrup’s
- Tim Berners-Lee
2. Where does C language get invented?
- Ritche’s Lab
- AT & T Bell Labs
- Under Oak Tree
- Fringe Labs
3. Which symbol terminates a C statement?
- .
- ,
- ;
- }
4. How to comment in C language?
- //Comment
- /* Comment */
- <—Comment—->
- A & B
5. Which of the following operator takes only integer operands?
- +
- *
- /
- %
6. Pick the operator that not associates from the left?
- +
- –
- =
- <
7. In a for loop, if the condition is missing, then?
- it is assumed to be present and taken to be false
- it is assumed to be present and taken to be true
- it result in the syntax error
- execution will be terminated abruptly
8. The maximun value that an integer constant can have is ?
- -32767
- 32767
- 1.7014E+38
- -1.7014E+38
9. A C variable cannot start with ?
- An alphabet
- A number
- A special symbol other than underscore
- Both (2) and (3)
10. C programs are convrted into the machine language with the help of ?
- An editor
- Compiler
- An operating system
- None of the above