This section contains more frequently asked Programming In C Fundamental MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. Which of the following factors should be considered while selecting a programming language for application development?
- Nature of the application
- Ease of learning the language
- Familiarity with the language
- All
2. Which of the following is best suited for system-level programming
- C
- none
3. Java compiler produces
- Byte code
- Object code
- Executable code
- None
4. Which of the following languages are difficult to modify
- Machine level language
- Assembly level language
- High level language
- None
5. Variables created in MATLAB can be seen in ___________ _
- Command Window
- Command History
- Workspace
- Current Directory
6. ll variables created can be saved using command
- Save
- Load
- log
- None
7. What is right way to create a 3×3 matrix A?
- Matrix(A,3,3)
- A(3,3)
- A[123,123,123]
- A[123; 123; 123]
8. Transpose of matrix A can be calculated by:
- A’
- inv(A)
- A”
9. A trigonometric operation ‘sin(A)’ on matrix A will affect
- First row elements of A
- First column elements of A
- All elements of A.
- First and Last element of A
10. “log2′ function is used for
- Calculating logarithm of two numbers
- Calculate log to the base 2
- Calculate log of 2 with given no as base
- None