This section contains more frequently asked Data integrity and Security Multiple Choice Questions Answers in the various competitive exams.
1. Secure Sockets Layer is a predecessor of which cryptographic protocol?
- IPSec
- Transport Layer Security
- SSL 3.0
2. An SQL injection is often used to attack what?
- Small scale machines such as diebold ATMs
- Large-scale sequel databases such as those containing credit card information.
- Servers running SQL databases similar to Hadoop or Hive.
- Servers built on NoSQL
3. Which version of TLS is vulnerable to BEAST exploit?
- TLS 1.1
- TLS 3.0
- TLS 0.5
- TLS 2.0
- TLS 1.0
4. According to OWASP what is the most dangerous web vulnerability?
- Injections (SQL, LDAP, etc)
- Cross-site-scripting (XSS)
- Security Misconfiguration
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Sensitive Data Exposure
5. Sandboxing does what to computer programs?
- Sandboxing protects your system by trapping all the viruses.
- It separates and isolates them.
- Sandboxing doesn't protect your system.
- Sandboxes protect your programs by isolating all the other programs except the one you are using at the time.
6. What is largely considered the most advanced computer virus?
- Conficker Virus
- Zeus
- Stuxnet.
- Virtual machines
- Proxies
- Firewalls
8. What are the two primary classifications of cross-site scripting?
- DOM-based and persistent
- traditional and DOM-based
- traditional and non-persistent
- non-persistent and persistent.
- Public authorization key
- Public ephemeral key authorization key
- Asymmetric authorization keys
- Symmetric authorization keys
10. Which of the following is a VALID digital signature key?
- Public signature authentication key
- Private signature authentication key
- Symmetric signature authentication key
- Private signature key