This section contains more frequently asked System Security and Computer Crime MCQs in the various competitive exams.


1. How can cookies be used to mitigate cross-site scripting?

  • Cookies can be coded like a program to intercept script attacks.
  • Cookies store an exact mirror copy of all a users web activity.
  • Cookies allow for cookie-based user authentication.
  • They can't. Cookies only store user information.

2. Which of the following uses asymmetric cryptography ?

  • VoIP
  • SSL
  • Both VoIP and SSL
  • None of these

3. Which of the following is not a VALID type of firewall?

  • Application-level gateways
  • Circuit-level gateways
  • Proxy Server Gateways
  • Packet filters

4. What is the less secure AES encryption mode?

  • CFB
  • OCB
  • ECB
  • CTR
  • CBC

5. What is a method to fend off a Sockstress attack?

  • Do nothing. It will pass on its own.
  • Prepare a retaliatory DDOS attack
  • Black-listing access to TCP services on critical systems
  • White-listing access to TCP services on critical systems.

6. Which of the following HTTP method is considered insecure ?

  • POST
  • GET

7. Which of the following represents a cryptographic key that is generated for each execution of a key establishment process ?

  • Private key transport key
  • Public signature verification key
  • Private ephemeral key agreement key
  • Public authentication key

8. What does the Linux kernal use to sandbox running programs?

  • Linux doesn't sandbox because it is impervious to any and all cyber attacks
  • Linux uses a layered system of user authentication to perform sandbox-like functions.
  • seccomp, or Secure Computing Mode
  • Linux drives are fully encrypted, thus they don't need sandboxing.

9. Which of the following keys are the private keys of asymmetric (public) key pairs that are used only once to establish one or more keys ?

  • Public ephemeral key agreement key
  • Asymmetric random number generation keys
  • Symmetric random number generation keys
  • Private ephemeral key agreement key

10. What does a cryptographic key do within the Internet Layer?

  • It specifies how encrypted data is transferred and to whom.
  • It specifies how transferred information is converted into cyphertext.
  • It converts it into encrypted language.
  • It is the specialized dataset that is able to decrypt cyphertext.
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