This section contains more frequently asked WEB Security Multiple Choice Questions Answers in the various competitive exams.


1. Where might a spammer get your personal information from?

  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • LinkedIn
  • All of these

2. Which of the following spam filtering techniques has the highest potential for generating false positives?

  • Community Filtering
  • Bayesian Filtering
  • Challenge-Response Filtering
  • Keyword Filtering
  • clicking the link will prevent
  • unsubscribing makes finding the sender difficult
  • the click may validate the email address
  • None of the above

4. What is an example of a Phishing scam?

  • An application that looks useful, but actually Contains spyware to slow down your computer
  • An email that appears to be legitimate, but is really being used to obtain personal or important information
  • Hacking into a computer and leaving false trails on who did it
  • Installing a virus and then asking you to pay to remove it

5. Malware is short for

  • Malicious Software
  • Malicious Systems
  • Maliant Software
  • Maliant Systems

6. What is a good method for a website owner to confirm a user is not using an account for a spamming purposes?

  • Users must associate a phone to their account and confirm a number sent to them via text
  • Requiring users provide valid personal information during sign up
  • Users that register must click on a confirmation link to the email they specify in their profile
  • All of these

7. A virus is a program that attaches itself to (or replaces the contents of) which of the following file types?

  • Text files
  • Executables
  • Header files
  • Source files

8. In order for antivirus programs to be most effective, it is necessary to keep which of the following up to date?

  • Web browsers
  • File hashes
  • Antivirus encryption keys
  • Virus definition files

9. Which of the following is not a well known anti-virus program?

  • SMAG
  • AVG
  • McAFee

10. What is a captcha?

  • A spam email that attempts to "capture" information and then use that information to cause damage; the second phase is often referred to as the "gotcha" phase.
  • An SPAM email written in all caps
  • It is a tool websites often use to prevent automated spammer bots from posting or registering on a website by forcing the user to do a task, often entering in letters or numbers based on a picture or audio, which verifies that they are human.
  • A group of characters in hidden in an email that often includes code used in malware
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