This section contains more frequently asked Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Multiple Choice Questions Answers in the various competitive exams.


1. What does IP mean?

  • Instance Principle
  • Internet Protocol
  • Instant Protocol
  • Intellectual Property

2. What happens to your data when it is encrypted?

  • It is transferred to a third party, encoded, then sent back.
  • It is compressed, renamed, and archived.
  • It is sent through a series of supercomputers to be compressed multiple times.
  • It is recorded to retain privacy from third-parties.

3. What is a computer virus?

  • A virus is the same as a cookie in that it is stored on your computer against your permission.
  • A virus is friendly software that is simply mislabeled.
  • Malicious software that merely stays dormant on your computer.
  • Malicious software that inserts itself into other programs.

4. Which of the following is valid difference between a Virus and a Spyware ?

  • Spyware damages data and also steals sensitive private information
  • Virus damages data, Spyware steals sensitive private information
  • Spyware damages data, Virus steals sensitive private information
  • Virus damages data and also steals sensitive private information

5. How to avoid Man-in-the-middle attacks?

  • Accept every SSL certificate, even the broken ones
  • Use connections without SSL
  • Use HTTPS connections and verify the SSL certificate
  • None of the above

6. What happens during the TCP attack; Denial of Service?

  • A virus is sent to disable their dos prompt.
  • Viruses are sent to their ISP to deny them tech support.
  • A worm is loaded onto the victim’s computer to disable their keyboard.
  • Information is repeatedly sent to the victim to consume their system resources, causing them to shut down.

7. What is Internet Protocol Security?

  • Methods to secure Internet Protocol (IP) communication.
  • Ways to disconnect your router in an emergency
  • Methods to secure a disconnected computer.
  • Methods to secure your documents from physical breaches.

8. Which of the following is a valid Cyber / Internet Security requirement?

  • Authentication
  • Integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • All of the given options are correct

9. Digital signatures provide which of the following ?

  • Authentication
  • Non-repudiation
  • Integrity protection
  • All of the given options are correct

10. In which of the following protocols does a website (if accessed using the protocol) encrypt the session with a Digital Certificate?

  • TCP
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