This section contains more frequently asked Cryptography and Network Security Multiple Choice Questions Answers in the various competitive exams.


1. The Acronym DES stands for

  • Digital Evaluation System
  • Digital Encryption Standard
  • Digital Encryption System
  • Double Encryption Standard

2. DES works by using

  • permutation and substitution on 64 bit blocks of plain text
  • only permutations on blocks of 128 bits
  • exclusive ORing key bits with 64 bit blocks
  • 4 rounds of substitution on 64 bit blocks with 56 bit keys

3. DES
(i) is a symmetric key encryption method
(ii) guarantees absolute security
(iii) is implementable as hardware VLSI chip
(iv) is a public key encryption method

  • i and ii
  • ii and iii
  • i and iii
  • iii and iv

4. DES using 56 bit keys

  • Cannot be broken in reasonable time using presently available computers
  • Can be broken only if the algorithm is known using even slow computers.
  • Can be broken with presently available high performance computers.
  • It is impossible to break ever.

5. Triple DES uses

  • 168 bit keys on 64-bit blocks of plain text
  • Working on 64-bit blocks of plain text and 56 bit keys by applying DES algorithm for three rounds.
  • Works with 144 bit blocks of plain text and applies DES algorithm once.
  • Uses 128 bit blocks of plain text and 112 bit keys and apply DES algorithm thrice.

6. ripple DES

  • Cannot be broken in reasonable time using presently available computers.
  • Can be broken only if the algorithm is known using even slow computer.
  • Can be broken with presently available high performance computers.
  • It is impossible to break ever.

7. Triple DES

  • is a symmetric key encryption method
  • guarantees excellent security
  • is implementable as a hardware VLSI chip
  • is public key encryption method with three keys.

8. Public key encryption method is a system

  • which uses a set of public keys one for each participant in e-Commerce
  • in which each person who wants to communicate has two keys; a private key known to him only and a public key which is publicized to enable others to send message to him.
  • which uses the RSA coding system.
  • which is a standard for use in e-Commerce.

9. Public key system is useful because

  • it uses two keys.
  • there is no key distribution problem as public key can be kept in a commonly accessible database.
  • private key can be kept secret.
  • it is a symmetric key system.

10. In public key encryption if A wants to send an encrypted message

  • A encrypts message using his private key
  • A encrypts message using B’s private key
  • A encrypts message using B’s public key
  • A encrypts message using his public key
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