Digital Logic Design – Digital Electronics MCQs Set-28 Contain the randomly compiled Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions Answers from various reference books and Questions papers for those who is preparing for the various Competitive Exams,Interviews and University Level Exams.
1. The Device which converts instructions into the binary form that is understood by the computer and supply to the computer is known as__________
- Input
- Output
- Automatic
- Memory
2. Laptop PCs are also known as __________Computers
- Mainframe
- Super
- Notebook
- personal
3. The symbol is used to indicate a point at which decision has to be made________
- Connector
- decision
- processing
- Terminal
4. Windows 98 is __________
- Graphics System
- Operating System
- Drawing system
- Processing system
5. A common topology to any network is __________topology
- Bus
- Star
- Tree
- Ring
6. A flip flop has __________stable status
- Two
- Three
- four
- five
7. Flip flop is also called as __________
- Stable
- bistable
- Tri stable
- not stable
8. The number system that we use in our day to day life is called the Number System__________
- Octal
- Binary
- hexadecimal
- Decimal
9. The Binary system has base__________
- 8
- 2
- 10
- 16
10. The Octal Number system has base __________
- 2
- 10
- 8
- 10