In this section of Digital Logic Design – Digital Electronics – Sequential Circuits,Flip Flops And Multi-vibrators MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers),We have tried to cover the below lists of topics.All these MCQs will help you prepare for the various Competitive Exams and University Level Exams.
- Sequential Circuits MCQs.
- Flip Flops MCQs.
- R-S Flip Flops MCQs.
- Clock Signals MCQs.
- Clocked R-S Flip Flops MCQs.
- Data Latch or D-Flip Flop MCQs.
- Clocked Data Latch MCQs.
- J-K Flip Flop MCQs.
- T Flip Flop MCQs.
- Master Slave T Flip Flop MCQs
- Bi Stable Multivibrator MCQs
- Mono-stable Multivibrator MCQs
- Astable Multivibrator MCQs
- Schmitt Trigger Circuit MCQs
1. In Sequential circuits the output states depend upon
- Past input states
- Present input states
- Present as well as past input
- None of the above
2. Sequential circuit contains
- No memory element
- Atleast one memory element
- All inputs applied simultaneously
- None of the above
3. Following flip flop used as latch
- J-K flip flop
- Master slave J-K flip flop
- T flip flop
- D flip flop
4. Schmitt trigger can be used as
- Square wave generator
- Comparator
- Square Wave generator as well as comparator
- None of the above
5. For a sinusoidal input ,Schmitt trigger gives output as
- Sinusoidal
- Saw tooth wave
- Square Wave
- None of the above
6. Schmitt trigger is used as
- Voltage to frequency converter
- Frequency to voltage converter
- Square wave generator
- None of the above
7. D flip flop is used as
- Differentiator
- Divider circuit
- Delay switch
- All of these
8. T Flip flop is used as
- Transfer data circuit
- Toggle switch
- Time delay switch
- None of the above
9. An astable Multivibrator has
- One stable state
- One Quasi stable state
- Two Quasi-stable state
- Two stable state
10. A mono-stable Multivibrator has
- No stable state
- One stable state
- Two stable state
- None of the above
11. Race condition occurs in
- Synchronous circuit
- Asyncronous circuit
- Combinational circuit
- All of the digital circuit
12. In T flip flop the out put frequency is
- Same as the input frequency
- One half it input frequency
- Double of its input frequency
- None of the above
13. Bi-stable Multivibrator is also known as
- Binary
- Flip flop
- Eccless Jordan circuit
- All of the above
14. Astable Multivibrator is also known as
- One shot Multivibrator
- Schmitt Trigger
- Free running Multivibrator
- Gating circuit
15. The gate with mono stable Multivibrator is given by
- T=1.1RC
- T=0.693
- None
- T=0.001
16. Following flip flop is used to eliminate race around problem
- R-S flip flop
- Master slave J-K flip flop
- J-K flip flop
- None of the above