Digital Logic Design – Digital Electronics MCQs Set-18 Contain the randomly compiled Digital Logic Design MCQs from various reference books and Questions papers for those who is preparing for the various Competitive Exams,Interviews and University Level Exams.


1. A device that exhibits two different stable states and functions as a memory element in a binary system is known as______________________ .

  • Registers
  • Flip-Flop
  • VLSI
  • Both (B) and (C)

2. The different types of flip-flops are_____, __________ and____________

  • R-S
  • D, T
  • J-K
  • All of the above

3. The __________latch is an asynchronous flip-flop which can be constructed from two NAND gates connected back to back.

  • R-S
  • JK
  • SR NOR
  • None of the above

4. Memory is a circuit, which is used to store ____________ information.

  • Accurate
  • Discrete
  • Analog
  • Digital

5. This is the minimum length of the write pulse.

  •  Data Set Up Time (tDW)
  • Data Hold Time (tDH)
  • Write Pulse Time (tW)
  • None of the above

6. This is the maximum time from the start of the valid address of the read cycle to the time when the valid data is available at the data output.

  • Read cycle time (tRC)
  • Access time (tA)
  • Read to output valid time (tRD)
  • None of the above

7. A register can be either static or dynamic.

  • Shift
  • Parallel
  • Bit
  • None of the above

8. Read Only Memory (ROM), as the name suggests, is meant only for __________information from it.

  • Reading/writing
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • All the above

9. A can be programmed only once after which its contents are permanently fixed as ROM

  • PROM
  • PRAM
  • SROM
  • None of the above

10. A memory in which the information stored can be erased and new information is stored is called__________________.

  • Non- Erasable Memory
  • Erasable Memory
  • Memory
  • Both (A) and (B)
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