Digital Logic Design – Digital Electronics MCQs Set-5 Contain the randomly compiled Digital Logic Design MCQs from various reference books and Questions papers for those who is preparing for the various Competitive Exams,Interviews and University Level Exams.


1. How -5 is represented in hex format in 2’s complement in 8-bits?

  • (FB)16
  • (7F)16
  • (FF)16
  • (FA)16

2. To convert _____________, write the number to be converted, placing each digit under the proper position.

  • Any base to decimal base
  • Hexadecimal number to decimal base
  • Decimal base to octal base
  • Octal base to decimal base

3. In which type of conversion, binary numbers can be converted into equivalent octal numbers by making groups of three bits starting from the LSB, moving towards the MSB of the number and then replacing each group of three bits by its octal representation

  • Conversion of decimal fraction to any base
  • Conversion from decimal base to any base
  • Direct conversion from binary to hexadecimal
  • Direct conversion from binary to octal

4. What is the 9’s complement of (0.3267)10?

  • 47.479
  • 0.6352
  • 0.6732
  •  1.4563

5. In subtraction of binary numbers, if the subtrahend digit is greater than the minuend, then borrow from a __________ significant bit.

  • Lower
  • Higher
  • First
  • None of the above

6. Which of the following cases leads to the overflow condition in addition using 2’s complement?

  • Addition of two positive numbers, which results in sum≥ 2n-1
  • Addition of two positive numbers, which results in sum < 2n–1
  • Addition of two negative numbers, |sum|≤2 n–1
  • Addition of two negative numbers, |sum| > 2n–1

7. Which of the following case is known as end-around carry addition?

  • Addition of two positive numbers, which results in sum≥ 2n-1
  • Addition of two positive numbers, which results in sum < 2n–1
  • Addition of positive and negative numbers (–ve number largest magnitude).
  • Addition of positive and negative numbers (+ve number largest magnitude).

8. In, subtraction of positive numbers using radix complement representation (M – N), If number of digits are not same in M and N how can you make them equal?

  • By appending 1 at the end
  • By appending 1 at the beginning
  • By appending 0 at the beginning
  • By appending 0 at the end

9. Which sign bit is used for representing the positive sign in floating point representation?

  •  0
  •  1
  • Either A or B
  • None of the above

10. How can you represent = in 8-bit EBCDIC representation?

  •  01111111
  •  01111110
  •  01011100
  •  01101011
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