This section contains more frequently asked Computer Architecture Fundamental Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. The access method used for magnetic tape is_________
- Direct
- Random
- Sequential
- None of the above
2. By Processing we understand _______
- Processing string of only words
- String manipulation only
- Processing string of numbers and special symbols
- None of the above
3. The difference between memory and storage is that the memory is____ and storage is______
- Temporary, permanent
- Permanent, temporary
- Slow, fast
- None of the above
4. Which of the Following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
- Hard disk
- Floppy disk
- Mother board
5. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called ______
- Machine language
- Application software
- System program
- None of the above
6. Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text
- None of the above
7. A floppy disk contains
- Circular tracks only
- Sectors only
- Both circular tracks and sectors
- None of the above
8. CD-ROM is a
- Semiconductor memory
- Memory register
- Magnetic memory
- None of the above
9. Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in
- Control Unit
- Storage unit
- None of the above
10. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device
- Magnetic tape
- Floppy disk
- None of the above