This section contains more frequently asked Computer Architecture Questions Bank with Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. WAN hardware includes
- Multiplexors and routers
- Bridger and modems
- None of the above
2. Third generation computers
- Were the first to use built-in error detecting device
- Used transistors instead of vaccum tubes
- Were the first to use neural network
- None of the above
3. A Winchester disk is a
- Disk stack
- Removable disk
- Flexible disk
- None of the above
4. A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can be(choose the most precise definition):
- carry out arithmetical operation
- carry out logical function
- accept and process data using a set of stored instructions
- present information on a VDU
5. The Central Processing Unit:
- is operated from the control panel.
- is controlled by the input data entering the system
- controls the auxiliary storage unit
- controls all input, output and processing.
6. Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means:
- garbage input good output
- garbage in garbage out
- great instructions great output
- good input good output.
7. The term ‘baud’ is a measure of the:
- speed at which data travels over the communication line
- memory capacity
- instruction execution time
- all of the above
8. A bootstrap is:
- a memory device
- a device to support the computer
- a small initialisation program to start up a computer
- an error correction technique
9. Which of the following is not hardware:
- Magnetic tape
- Printer
- VDU terminal
- Assembler
10. Pick out the wrong definition :
- Access time – time needed to access the output
- EDP- acronym for Electronic Data Processing
- COBOL – a language used for business data processing
- Control unit – heart of a computer.