This section contains more frequently asked Computer Organization Questions Bank with Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. Terminal is a:
- device to give power supply to computer
- point at which data enters or leaves the computer
- the last instruction in a program
- any input /output device.
2. Multiple choice examination answer sheets can be evaluated automically by
- Optical Mark Reader
- Optical Character Reader
- Magnetic tape reader
- Magnetic ink character reader.
3. An operating system
- is not required on large computers
- is always supplied with the copmuter
- is always supplied with the BASIC
- consists of programs that help in the operation of computer.
4. Which of the following would cause quickest acess
- direct access from a magnetic tape
- direct access from a hard disk
- direct access from a floppy disk
- direct access from a cassette tape
5. The process of retaining data for future use is called
- reading
- writing
- storing
- coding
6. A file is corrected immediately after the input of a transaction.This is an example of
- sorting
- batching
- on-line updating
- off-line updating
7. Magnetic tapes are good storage media for
- backup and low volume data
- backup and high volume data
- storing original but low volume data
- storing original but high volume data
8. Which of the following is a computercode
- None of the above
9. Data is generally coded in 8-bit units, such a unit is also called
- k
- Word
- field
- byte
10. Half adder is logic CKT that adds. ………Digit at a time
- Two
- one
- three
- zero
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