This section contains more frequently asked Computer Organization and Architecture Fundamental MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.


1. Information retrieval is faster from

  • Floppy disk
  • Magnetic tape 
  • Hard disk 
  • None of the above

2. Operating system is

  • A collection of hardware components 
  • A collection of software routines
  • A collection of input-output devices
  • none of the above

3. Operating system

  • Link a program with the subroutines it references
  • Provides a layered, user-friendly interface
  • Enables a programmer to draw a flowchart
  • None of the above

4. Execution of two or more programs by a single CPU is known as :

  • Multiprocessing
  • Time sharing 
  • Multiprogramming
  • None of the above

5. Modem stands for

  • A type of secondary memory
  • Modulator demodulator
  • Mainframe operating device memory
  • None of the above

6. Typical data transfer rate in LAN are of the order of

  • Bits per sec
  • Kilo bits per sec 
  • Mega bits per sec
  • None of the above

7. Ethernet uses

  • Bus topology 
  • Ring topology
  • Mesh topology
  • None of the above

8. Wide area networks (WANs) always require

  • High bandwidth communication source link
  • High speed processors
  • Same type 
  • None of the above

9. Typical bandwidth of optical fibers is

  • Order of GHz 
  • Order of KHz
  • Order of Hz
  • None of the above

10. A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by

  • Twisted pair lines
  • Coaxial cables
  • Communications satellites
  • None of the above
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