This section contains more frequently asked Computer Architecture Basics MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO) H & (B53F) H results
- 0000
2. When CPU is executing a Program that is part of the Operating System, it is said to be in
- Interrupt mode
- System mode
- Half mode
- Simplex mode
3. An n-bit microprocessor has
- n-bit program counter
- n-bit address register
- n-bit ALU
- n-bit instruction register
4. Cache memory works on the principle of
- Locality of data
- Locality of memory
- Locality of reference
- Locality of reference & memory
5. The main memory in a Personal Computer (PC) is made of
- cache memory
- static RAM
- Dynamic Ram
- both (A) and (B)
6. In computers, subtraction is carried out generally by
- 1’s complement method
- 2’s complement method
- signed magnitude method
- BCD subtraction method
7. PSW is saved in stack when there is a
- interrupt recognised
- execution of RST instruction
- Execution of CALL instruction
- All of these
8. The multiplicand register & multiplier register of a hardware circuit implementing booth’s algorithm have (11101) & (1100). The result shall be
- (812) 10
- (-12) 10
- (12) 10
- (-812) 10
9. The circuit converting binary data in to decimal is
- Encoder
- Multiplexer
- Decoder
- Code converter
10. A three input NOR gate gives logic high output only when
- one input is high
- one input is low
- two input are low
- all input are high