Top 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) only focused on the Security Headers and Server Configuration in back-end components covering below topics,along with their answers and explanations.
• Explaining the role of security headers and proper server configuration in securing back-end components.
• Discussing best practices for securing server configurations.


1. What is the primary purpose of security headers in the context of back-end components?

  • To improve server performance
  • To define HTTP response policies and enhance security
  • To enhance data confidentiality
  • To prevent unauthorized access

2. How can the Content Security Policy (CSP) header contribute to web security?

  • By improving server performance
  • By defining and enforcing a policy to prevent unauthorized content execution
  • By enhancing data confidentiality
  • By preventing unauthorized access

3. What is the purpose of the Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • To enforce secure and encrypted connections by instructing browsers to use HTTPS
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

4. How does the X-Content-Type-Options header contribute to security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By preventing browsers from interpreting files as a different MIME type than declared
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

5. What role does the X-Frame-Options header play in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By preventing the rendering of a web page in a frame or iframe
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

6. How can attackers exploit missing or misconfigured security headers?

  • By improving server performance
  • By manipulating the server to ignore security policies and headers
  • By enhancing data confidentiality
  • By preventing unauthorized access

7. What is the purpose of the X-XSS-Protection header in preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks?

  • Improved server performance
  • By enabling browser-based XSS protection mechanisms
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

8. How does the X-Content-Security-Policy header contribute to web security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By specifying a content security policy for the browser to follow
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

9. What is the significance of the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header?

  • Improved server performance
  • By defining cross-domain policy files for Adobe Flash applications
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

10. How can the Referrer-Policy header contribute to user privacy and security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By controlling how much information is included in the HTTP Referer header
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

11. What is the purpose of the Feature-Policy header in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By controlling which browser features can be used by the website
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

12. How can the Server header impact back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By revealing information about the server software and version
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

13. What is the purpose of the Public-Key-Pins header in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By associating a set of public keys with a web server to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

14. How does the Expect-CT header contribute to back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By enforcing the Certificate Transparency policy for SSL/TLS certificates
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

15. What role does the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) preload list play in web security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By instructing browsers to always use HTTPS for a specified domain
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

16. How can attackers exploit misconfigurations in server headers for security breaches?

  • By improving server performance
  • By manipulating the server to expose sensitive information or weaken security measures
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

17. What is the role of the X-Download-Options header in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By preventing the automatic opening of files downloaded from a web page
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

18. How does the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header impact the security of Adobe Flash applications?

  • Improved server performance
  • By specifying cross-domain policy files for Adobe Flash applications
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

19. What is the purpose of the X-Robots-Tag header in back-end component security?

  • Improved server performance
  • By providing directives to control how search engines index content
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access

20. How can the X-Content-Type-Options header prevent MIME type sniffing vulnerabilities?

  • Improved server performance
  • By instructing browsers to not interpret files as a different MIME type than declared
  • Enhanced data confidentiality
  • Prevention of unauthorized access
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