This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessors Fundamental MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. A nibble can be represented in the from of:
- Octal digit
- Decimal
- Hexadecimal
- None of these
2. The left side of any binary number is called:
- Least significant digit
- Most significant digit
- Medium significant digit
- low significant digit
3. MSD stands for:
- Least significant digit
- Most significant digit
- Medium significant digit
- low significant digit
4. _____ a subsystem that transfer data between computer components inside a computer or between computer:
- Chip
- Register
- Processor
- Bus
5. The external system bus architecture is created using from ______ architecture:
- Pascal
- Dennis Ritchie
- Charles Babbage
- Von Neumann
6. Which bus carry addresses:
- System bus
- Address bus
- Control bus
- Data bus
7. A 16 bit address bus can generate___ addresses:
- 32767
- 25652
- 65536
- none of these
8. CPU can read & write data by using :
- Control bus
- Data bus
- Address bus
- None of these
9. Which bus transfer singles from the CPU to external device and others that carry singles from external device to the CPU:
- Control bus
- Data bus
- Address bus
- None of these
10. When memory read or I/O read are active data is to the processor :
- Input
- Output
- Processor
- None of these