This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. IP stand for
- Industry pointer
- Instruction pointer
- Index pointer
- None of these
2. Which has great important in modular programming
- Stack segment
- Queue segment
- Array segment
- All of these
3. Which register containing the 8086/8088 flag
- Status register
- Stack register
- Flag register
- Stand register
4. How many bits the instruction pointer is wide
- 16 bit
- 32 bit
- 64 bit
- 128 bit
5. How many type of addressing in memory
- Logical address
- Physical address
- Both A and B
- None of these
6. The size of each segment in 8086 is
- 64 kb
- 24 kb
- 50 kb
- 16kb
7. The physical address of memory is
- 20 bit
- 16 bit
- 32 bit
- 64 bit
8. The _______ address of a memory is a 20 bit address for the 8086 microprocessor
- Physical
- Logical
- Both
- None of these
9. The pin configuration of 8086 is available in the________
- 40 pin
- 50 pin
- 30 pin
- 20 pin
10. DIP stand for
- Deal inline package
- Dual inline package
- Direct inline package
- Digital inline package