This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
- Execution unit
- Execute unit
- Exchange unit
- None of these
A. Execution unit
2. Which are the part of architecture of 8086
- The bus interface unit
- The execution unit
- Both A and B
- None of these
C. Both A and B
3. Which are the four categories of registers:
- General‐ purpose register
- Pointer or index registers
- Segment registers
- Other register
- All of these
E. All of these
4. IP Stand for
- Instruction pointer
- Instruction purpose
- Instruction paints
- None of these
A. Instruction pointer
5. CS Stand for
- Code segment
- Coot segment
- Cost segment
- Counter segment
A. Code segment
6. DS Stand for
- Data segment
- Direct segment
- Declare segment
- Divide segment
A. Data segment
7. Which are the segment
- CS: Code segment
- DS: data segment
- SS: Stack segment
- ES:extra segment
- All of these
E. All of these
8. The acculatator is 16 bit wide and is called
- AX
- AH
- AL
- DL
9. The upper 8 bit are called______
- BH
- BL
- AH
- CH
10. The lower 8 bit are called_______
- AL
- CL
- BL
- DL