This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessors 8085 Basics MCQs in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. The no. of address lines required to address a memory of size 32 K is
- 15 lines
- 16 lines
- 18 lines
- 14 lines
2. The no. of wait states required to interface 8279 to 8086 with 8MHz clock are
- Two
- Three
- One
- None
3. NMI input is
- Edge sensitive
- Level sensitive
- Both edge and level triggered
- edge triggered and level sensitive
4. Data rate available for use on USB is
- 12 Mbits per second
- 1.5 Mbits per second
- Both (A) and (B)
- No restriction
5. In 80186, the timer which connects to the system clock is
- timer 0
- timer 1
- timer 2
- Any one can be connected
6. Conversion of the +1000 decimal number into signed binary word results
- 0000 0011 1110 1000
- 1111 1100 0001 1000
- 1000 0011 1110 1000
- 0111 1100 0001 1000
7. What do the symbols [ ] indicate?
- Direct addressing
- Register Addressing
- Indirect addressing
- None of the above
8. SDRAM refers to
- static DRAM
- synchronous DRAM
- sequential DRAM
- semi DRAM
9. Which pins are general purpose I/O pins during mode-2 operation of the 82C55?
- PA0 – PA7
- PB0-PB7
- PC3-PC7
- PC0-PC2