This section contains more frequently asked Microprocessors 8085 Basics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in the various University Level and Competitive Examinations.
1. The VESA local bus operates at
- 8 MHz
- 33 MHz
- 16 MHz
- None of these
2. The first modern computer was called_____________
3. Software command CLEAR MASK REGISTER in DMA
- Disables all channels.
- Enables all channels.
- None
- Clears first/last flip-flop within 8237.
4. The first task of DOS operating system after loading into the memory is to use the file called___________
5. If the programmable counter timer 8254 is set in mode 1 and is to be used to count six events, the output will remain at logic 0 for _____ number of counts
- 5
- 6
- All of the above
6. The flash memory is programmed in the system by 12 V programming pulse
7. A plug and play (PnP) interface is one that contains a memory that holds configuration information of the system
- 1
8. The accelerated graphics port (AGP) allows virtually any microprocessor to be interfaced with PCI bus via the use of bridge interface
- 1
9. A Bus cycle is equal to how many clocking periods
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Six
10. The time required to refresh a typical DRAM is
- 2 – 4 us
- 2 – 4 ns
- 2 – 4 ms
- 2 – 4 ps