This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Display Devices and Recorders MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Electrical Indicating instruments
- Digital instruments
- Electronic Counters
- Digital Display methods
- Segmental Displays
- Dot Matrices
- Rear Projection Display
- Mixie Tube
- Light Emmiting Diodes (LED)
- Liquid Crystal Diodes (LCD)
- Display Systems
- Decimal Decoders
- BCD to 7-segments Converter
- BCD to Dot matrix Converter
- Digital Frequency Meter
- High Frequency Measurements
- Period Measurement
- Ratio and Multiple Ration Measurements
- Time interval Measurements
- Universal Counter Timer
- Digital Voltmeter(DMVs)
- Digital, Ramp type, Integrating Type, Potentiometric Type Digital Voltmeter
- Recorders
- Analog Recorders
- Graphic Recorders
- Strip Chart Recorders
- Galvanometer Type Recorders
- Null Type Recorders
- Potentiometric Recorders
- Single Point Recorders
- Multi Point Recorders
- XY Recorders
- Ultraviolet Recorders
- Magnetic Tape Recorders
- Direct Recording
- Frequency Modulated (FM) Recording
- Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM) Recording
- Digital Tape Recorders
1. If an information is required to be stored over a short interval of time
- A single number/devices should be used
- A storage type oscilloscope should be used
- A CRO with photographic equipment should be used
- A direct writing recorder of a magnetic tape recorder should be used
2. The machine interpretable outputs from an analog transducer can had from
- Magnetic tapes
- Punched cards and tapes
- Telytypewriter
- All the above.
3. Digital instruments have input impedance of the order of
- Ω
- kΩ
- MΩ
- mΩ
4. if four flip flops are connected in cascade, they serve as
- 2:1 scalar
- 4:1 scalar
- 8:1 scalar
- 16:1 scalar
5. The LEDs, or their display require
- A voltage of 1.2V and a current of 20 mA
- A voltage of 25V and a current of 20 mA
- A voltage of 1.2V and a current of 100 mA
- A voltage of 25V and a current of 100 mA.
6. Switching time of LEDs is of the order of
- 1 s
- 1 ms
- 1 µs
- 1 ns
7. LED emit light
- Only in red color
- Only in yellow color
- Only in green color
- In red, green, yellow and amber color.
8. An LCD requires a power of______To light up one segment of a seven segmented display system
- 20 W
- 20 mW
- 20 µW
- 20 nW
9. The turn on and turn off times of a LCD are of the order of
- 1 s
- 1 ms
- 10 ms
- 10 ns
10. The power requirement of LED is
- 40 mW per numeral
- 40 µW per numeral
- 10 W per numeral
- 10 µW per numeral
11. A Nixie tube requires
- 10 cathodes
- 14 cathodes
- 15 cathodes
- 20 cathodes
12. A Nixie tube requires
- 150 V – 220 V
- 100 V – 150 V
- 150 mV – 220 mV
- 100 mV – 150 mV
13. In a digital frequency meter, the Schmitt trigger is uses for
- Sinusoidal waveforms into rectangular pulses
- Scaling of sinusoidal waveforms
- Providing time base
- None of the above.
14. Pulses of frequency 1 MHz are applied to the time base selector of a digital frequency meter which consists of 6 frequency dividers, each dividing the incoming frequency by a factor of 10. What is the time base setting at the output of 4th frequency divisor?
- 1 ms
- 10 ms
- 100 ms
- 1 ms
15. Period measurement is done in frequency meters for achieving high accuracy in the case of
- High frequencies
- Medium frequencies
- D.C
- Low frequencies
16. In a digital frequency meter, the multi-period average mode of operation, the main gates is held open for more than one period of the unknown signal
- So that the period is extended in order that counters show more digits thereby an increased accuracy is obtained
- So that resolution is increased
- So that the range of the instrument is extended
- So that errors on account of dead time are eliminated
17. A digital voltmeter uses an A/D converter which needs a start pulse, use an analog comparator and has a relatively fixed conversion time independent of the applied voltage.The A/D converter is
- Successive approximation converter
- Digital ramp converter
- Divial slope converter
- All the above.
18. X-Y recorders
- Record one quantity with respect to another quantity
- Record one quantity on x- axis with respect to time on Y-axis
- Record one quantity on Y-axis with respect to time on X-axis
- None of the above.
19. In a direct recording type magnetic system, the reproducing head and amplifier characteristics are
- – 6 db/octave, + 6 db/octave
- – 6 db/octave, + 20 db/decade
- + 6 db/octave, + -6 db/octave
- – 20 db/decade, + 20 db/decade
20. The advantage of F.M magnetic tape recording are
- It can record from d.c to several kHz
- It is free from dropout effect
- It is independent from amplitude variations and accurately reproduces the waveform of input signal
- All the above.
21. A strip chart recorder is a/an
- analog recorder
- magnetic tape recorder
- oscillographic recorder
- none of the above
22. Printing mechanism of a FAX machine is of
- thermal type
- impact type
- electrostatic type
- optical type
23. Which is not the function of data loggers?
- Display
- Online analysis
- Reporting
- Control
24. The bandwidth of a magnetic tape recorder is
- higher than electronic recorder
- higher than strip chart recorder
- lower than strip chart recorder
- higher than ultraviolet recorder
25. Power consumption of an LED display is
- higher than LCD display
- lower than LCD display
- almost equal to LCD display
- Approximately two lines higher than same size LCD
26. In a CRT, the electron beam is deflected by
- electric field
- magnetic field
- both magnetic and electric field
- gravitational field
27. Servo mechanism is used in
- potentiometric type recorder
- galvanometric type recorder
- magnetic tape type recorder
- ultraviolet recorder
28. The response time of CRT display is
- higher that LCD display
- lower than LCD display
- higher than plasma display
- lower than plasma display
29. The gas used in plasma screens is a mixture of
- nitrogen and oxygen
- nitrogen and xenon
- argon and nitrogen
- argon and xenon
30. Time scale of a strip chart recorder is controlled by
- controlling speed of the chart paper
- controlling the stylus drive mechanism
- controlling the range selector
- controlling the stylus