This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Characteristics of Instruments and Measurement Systems MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.

This Section covers below lists of topics.
1. Measurement System performance
2. Static Calibration
3. Static Characteristics
4. Errors in Measurement
5. True Value
6. Static Error
7. Static Correction
8. Scale range and scale span
9. Error calibration curve
10. Reproducibility and Drift
11. Repeatability
12. Noise
13. Accuracy and Precision
14. Static Sensitivity
15. Linearity
16. Hysteresis
17. Threshold
18. Dead Time
19. Dead Zone
20. Loading Effects
21. Input and output impedances
22. Impedance matching and maximum power transfer
23. Generalized impedance and stiffness concept


1. In a  measurement systems, which of the following static characteristics are desirable

  • Accuracy
  • Sensitivity
  • Reproducibility
  • All of the above

2. In Measurement systems, which of the following characteristics are undesirable static Characteristics?

  • Sensitivity and accuracy
  • Drift, static error and dead zone
  • Reproducibility and non linearity
  • Drift, static error, dead zone and none linearity

3. A Pressure measurement instrument is calibrated between 10 bar and 250 bar. The Scale span of the instrument is

  • 10 bar
  • 250 bar
  • 240 bar
  • 260 bar

4. The output of an instrument under particular environmental conditions is given by the relationshipq0= a + bqi where qi = input and q and b are constants b ≠ 1, the theoretical input-output relationship is represented by a straight passing through zero. This is case of

  • Zero Drift only
  • sensitivity drift only
  • Zero and sensitivity drift together
  • none of the above

5. A reading is recorded as 23.90 C0.  The reading has

  • Three significant figures
  • Five significant figures
  • Four significant figures
  • none of the above

6. The scale of a 0-500V voltmeter is divided into ten large divisions representing 50 V each and each large division is further subdivided into 10 small divisions, each representing 5 V. it is used for measurement of output voltage of a potentiometer which can be varied from 0 to 500 v. it is observed that when the sliding contact is moved from its zero position, , there is no perceptible movement of pointer of the voltmeter till the sliding contact reaches a position where the output voltage should be 5 V. Therefore, it can be concluded that

  • The threshold of the voltmeter is 5 V
  • the resolution of the voltmeter is 5 V
  • the sensitivity of the voltmeter is 5 V
  • None of the above.

7. In the center zero analog ammeter having a range of -10 A  + 10 A, there is  a detectable change of the pointer from its zero position on either side of the scale only if the current reaches a value of 1A(on either side).The ammeter has a

  • resolution of 1A
  • dead zone of 1A
  • dead zone of 2 A
  • Sensitivity of 1 A.

8. A Pressure gauge is calibrated from 0 -50 kN/m2 .it has uniform scale with 100 scale divisions. One fifth of scale division can be read with certainty.The gauge has a:

  • resolution of 0.1 kN/m2
  • threshold of 0.1 kN/m2
  • dead zone of 0.2 kN/m2
  • a resolution of 0.5 kN/m2

9. A  d.c. circuit can be represented by an internal voltage source of 50 V.with an output resistance  of 100KΩ. In order to achieve 99 percent accuracy for voltage measurement across its terminals, the voltage measuring device should have

  • a resistance of atleast 10MΩ
  • a resistance of 100KΩ
  • a resistance of atleast 10Ω
  • none of the above

10. A d.c circuit can be represented by a voltage source of 10 V in series with an output resistance of 1K Ω. An ammeter of 50 Ω resistances is connected to the source terminals for measurement of current. The accuracy of measurement is nearly

  • -4.8 Percent
  • +4.8 Percent
  • 99 Percent
  • 95.2 Percent

11. In a.c circuits, the connection of measuring instruments cause loading errors which may affect

  • only the magnitude of the quantity being measured
  • only the phase of the quantity being measured
  • both the magnitude and phase of the quantity being measured
  • magnitude, phase and also the waveform of the quantity being measured

12. The input resistance of a cathode ray oscilloscope is of the orders of

  • tens of ohm
  • megaohm
  • kilohm
  • fraction of ohm

13. a resistor, at room temperature of 290 °K has a noise voltage of 2µV for a 50 kHz bandwidth. The temperature at which the noise voltage is 20% of its value at room temperature is

  • 58 °K
  • 11.6 °K
  • 241.7 °K
  • none of the above

14. An amplifier has an input signal voltage of 25 µV and a noise voltage 2.5 µV. The signal to noise ratio is

  • 10
  • 100
  • 10db
  • none of the above

15. Johnson noise is:

  • Caused by thermal agitation of free electrons carrying current thereby modulating the current
  • noise carried into a circuit through conductors
  • noise of an electromagnetic origin that is radiated into a circuit
  • shot noise which results from random emission of electrons across a p-n junction

16. In a measurement system if a q1 is an across variable and its associated through variable is q2 (Power based), the static impedance of the system is :

  • q1×q2
  • q1 / q2
  • q2 / q1
  • q12 / q2

17. In a measurement system ‘force’ is an across variable. Its associated power based through variable is:

  • translational displacement
  • translational acceleration
  • translational velocity
  • rotational displacement

18. The power can be controlled in a circuit by :

  • controlling the voltage applied to load
  • controlling the current level in the circuit
  • using pulse modulation of power
  • All of the above.

19. The value of static stiffness and compliance in a measurement system determine the amount of

  • Power drain from a system
  • Current drain from a system
  • Energy drain from a system
  • None of the above

20. A Wheatstone bridge is balanced with all the four resistance equal to 1KΩ each. The bridge supply voltage is 100V. The value of one of the resistance is changed to 1010Ω. The output voltage is measured with a voltage measuring device of infinite resistance.The bridge sensitivity is:

  • 10 V/ Ω
  • 25mV/ Ω
  • 2.5 mV/ Ω
  • none of the above.
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