This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Electronic Instruments MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Electronic Voltmeters
- Vacuum Tube Voltmeters(VTVMs)
- Differential Amplifiers
- Difference Amplifiers Type of Electronic Voltmeter
- Source Follower Type of Electronic Voltmeter
- D.C Voltmeter with direct Coupled Amplifier
- Chopper Stabilized Amplifiers
- Electronic Voltmeters using Rectifiers
- True rms Reading voltmeters
- Electronic Multimeters
- Differential Voltmeter
- Vector Voltmeter
- Vector impedance meter
- A.C Voltage measurements
- Current Measurement using Electronic instruments
- Measurement of Power at Audio Frequencies
- Diode Sensor Based instruments
- Measurement of power at radio Frequencies
1. The resistances, RD Connected in the bridge circuit of a difference amplifier type of electronic voltmeter are each 10kΩ. The value of RD is much smaller than the value of a.c drain resistance, rd, of FETs. The trans-conductance of FETs is 0.005 mho. The value of current through the meter when an input voltage of 1V is applied to the gate of left FET with the gate of right hand FET grounded , and the meter resistance almost negligible is :
- 5 mA
- 2.5 mA
- 10 mA
- 1 mA.
2. In a source follower type electronic voltmeter, the trans-conductance of FETs is 0.005 mho and the resistance of the meter is 100Ω. The approximate value of current through the meter, when the input voltage is 1 V, is :
- 2.5 mA
- 5 mA
- 2 mA
- 1mA.
3. The power consumption of a d.c voltmeter using a direct coupled amplifier when measuring a voltage 0.5 V is of the order of :
- A few watt
- A few multiwatt
- A few microwatt
- A few nanowatt.
4. A chopper stabilized a.c amplifier may use :
- An electro-mechanical chopper
- Bipolar transistors as choppers
- MOS field effect transistors as chopper
- Light activated devices as chopper
- All the above.
5. Electronic voltmeters which use rectifiers employ negative feedback. This is done
- To increase the overall gain
- To improve stability
- To overcome nonlinearity of diodes
- None of the above.
6. A voltage having symmetrical square waveshape is applied to an average reading voltmeter with scale calibrated in terms of rms value of a sinusoidal wave has an error of :
- – 3.9%
- + 3.9%
- – 11%
- + 11%
7. A true rms reading voltmeter uses two thermocouples in order
- To increase sensitivity
- That the second thermocouple cancels out the no-linear effects of the first thermocouple
- To prevent drift in the d.c amplifier
- All the above.
8. In an electronic ohmmeter, an OP-AMP is used as a :
- Summer
- Multiplier
- Buffer amplifier
- Integrator
9. A voltmeter with a broad band width has :
- Low noise level and high Sensitivity
- High noise level and high sensitivity
- High noise level and low sensitivity
- Low noise level and low sensitivity.
10. In a circuit of RF voltmeters
- Vacuum tube diodes are used
- Conventional PN junction diodes are used
- Schottky barrier or point contact type diodes are used
- All the above.
11. An electronic voltmeter is more reliable as compared to multimeter for measuring voltages across low impedance because
- its sensitivity is high
- it offers high input impedance
- it does not alter the measured voltage
- its sensitivity and input impedance are high and do not alter the measured value
12. VTVM can be used to measure
- dc voltage
- ac voltage of high frequency
- dc voltage and ac voltage up to the order of 5 MHz frequency
- ac voltage of low frequency
13. Transistor voltmeter
- cannot measure ac voltage
- cannot measure high frequency voltage
- cannot be designed to measure resistance as well as voltage
- can measure ac voltage
14. An electronic voltmeter provides more accurate readings in high-resistance circuits as compared to a nonelectronic voltmeter because of its
- low meter resistance
- high Ω/V ratings
- high V/Ω ratings
- high resolution
15. The input impedance of a TVM as compared to that of a VTVM is
- low
- high
- same
- not comparable
16. The power consumption of a dc voltmeter using a direct coupled amplifier when measuring a voltage of 0.5 volt and having an input impedance of 10 MΩ is
- a few nanowatts
- a few milliwatts
- a few microwatts
- a few watts
17. FETs are used in the amplifier to get
- high output impedance
- high input impedance
- low output impedance
- low input impedance
18. A direct voltage is applied to a peak diode voltmeter whose scale is calibrated to read rms voltage of a sine wave. If the meter reading is 36 Vrms, the value of the applied direct voltage is
- 51 volts
- 25 volts
- 36 volts
- 71 volts
19. A multimeter is used for the measurement of the following:
- Both ac and dc voltage
- Both ac and dc current
- Resistance
- Frequency
- Power
- 1, 2 and 4
- 1, 2 and 5
- 1, 3 and 5
- 1, 2 and 3
20. Modern electronic multimeters measure resistance by
- using an electronic bridge compensator for nulling
- forcing a constant current and measuring the voltage across the unknown resistor
- using a bridge circuit
- applying a constant voltage and measuring the current through the unknown resistor
21. An n-bit A/D converter is required to convert an analog input in the range of 0–5 volt to an accuracy of 10 mV. The value of n should be
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 16
22. Which of the following is not true for a digital frequency counter?
- less costly
- high accuracy
- accepts inputs in the form of train of pulses
- wide range of frequency measurement
23. The resolution of a 12-bit analog to digital converter in per cent is
- 0.04882
- 0.09760
- 0.01220
- 0.02441
24. A DVM measures
- peak value
- rms value
- average value
- peak to peak value
25. Which of the following measurements can be made with the help of a frequency counter?
- Fundamental frequency of input signal
- Frequency components of the input signal at least up to third harmonics
- Time interval between two pulses
- Pulse width
- 2 and 4
- 1 and 2
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1, 3 and 4
26. Accuracy of DVM is specified as
- percentage of the full scale reading
- percentage of the actual reading
- number of least significant digit
- all of these
27. A PMMC meter has an internal resistance 200Ω and the current required for its full scale deflection is 50µA. the metering is capable of measuring, on its own, a maximum voltage of :
- 5 mV
- 10 mV
- 5 µV
- 10 µV
28. A PMMC meter has an internal resistance 500Ω and the current required for its full scale deflection is 100µA.the power consumed by the meter is :
- 5 µW
- 5 mW
- 5 W
- 0.5 µW.
29. An average reading VTVM uses one diode connected in series with an external resistance. A high value of series resistance is used so that the instrument should have :
- A high input impedance
- A linear v – i characteristics
- Low power consumption
- All the above.
30. In a compensated shunt type peak reading VTVM a bucking battery with a series adjustable resistance is used for :
- Providing power of the circuit
- Zero setting
- The purpose of amplifying low level signals
- All the above.
31. In a different amplifier using two FETs, a resistance has to be reducing the meter current to zero even when no voltage is applied to the circuit. This is necessitated on account of :
- Mismatch between characteristics of the FETs
- Difference between tolerances values of resistors used in the circuit even though they are marked nominally equal.
- Variations in the operating voltage of the circuit.
- Both (a) and (b).