This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Measurement of Resistance MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Classification of Resistances
- Measurement of Medium Resistances
- Measurement of Low Resistance
- Measurement of High Resistances
- Measurement of Earth Resistance
- Localization of Cable Faults
1. A resistance of value 10Ω approximately is to be measured by ammeter-voltmeter method with resistance of ammeter is 0.02Ω and that of voltmeter is 5000Ω. The resistance should be measured
- By connecting the ammeter on the side of unknown resistance as this connection gives better accuracy
- By connecting the voltmeter on the side on unknown resistance as this connection gives better accuracy
- By any of the two connections, as both of them give equal accuracy
- None of the above.
2. A unknown resistance is measured by substitution method. First a standard known resistance of 100 Ω is connected in series with a circuit having a rheostat and a galvanometer. The battery voltage is 10V and the setting of rheostat is 500 Ω and the galvanometer shows a deflection of 60°. After this test. The battery voltage goes down to 9 V and when the unknown resistance is substituted for the known resistance, the galvanometer again shows a deflection of 60° with the same setting of the rheostat. The value of unknown resistance is :
- 100 Ω
- 54 Ω
- 90 Ω
- None of the above.
3. Equal resistance of 100 Ω each are connected in each arm of wheatstone bridge which is supplied by 2 V battery source. The galvanometer of negligible resistance connected to the bridge can sense as low current as 1 µA. the smallest value of resistance that can be measured is
- 20 µΩ
- 2 µΩ
- 30 µΩ
- None of the above.
4. A wheatstone bridge has ratio arms of 1000Ω and 100Ω resistance, the standard resistance arms consists 4 decades resistance boxes of 1000,100,10 ,1 Ω steps. The maximum and minimum value of unknown resistance which can be determined with this set up is
- 111100Ω, 1Ω
- 11110Ω, 10Ω
- 111100Ω, 10Ω
- None of the above.
5. A wheatstone bridge can not be used for precision measurements because errors are introduced into on account of
- Resistance of connecting leads
- Thermo-electric emfs
- Contact resistances
- All the above.
6. A Kelvin-varley slide consists of 4 decade dividers. The first decade is constructed by having 11 coils of 10 kΩ resistance each. The subsequent decades will have coils of :
- 11 coils of 20 kΩ each, 11 coils of 40 kΩ each, 11 coils of 80 kΩ each
- 11 coils of 10 kΩ each, 11 coils of 5 kΩ each, 10 coils of 1 kΩ each
- 11 coils of 2 kΩ each, 11 coils of 400 Ω each, 11 coils of 80 Ω each
- 11 coils of 2 kΩ each, 11 coils of 400 Ω each, 10 coils of 80 Ω each
7. Low resistance are provided with four terminals
- To facilitates the connection of current and potential circuits
- In order that the resistance value becomes definite irrespective of the nature of contacts at the terminals
- To eliminate the effect of thermo-electric emfs
- To eliminate the effect of leads
8. In a kelvin’s double bridge two sets of readings are taken when measuring a low resistance, one with the current in one direction and the other with the direction of the current reversed. This is done to :
- Eliminate the effect of contact resistance
- Eliminate the effect of resistance of leads
- Correct for changes in battery voltages
- Eliminate the effect of thermo-electric emfs.
9. High resistances are provided with a guard terminal.This guard terminal is used to :
- Bypass the leakage current
- Guard the resistance against stray electrostatic fields
- Guard the resistance against overloads
- None of the above.
10. When measuring insulation resistance of cables using d.c sources, the galvanometer used should be initially short circuited because .
- Cables have a low value of initial resistance
- Cables have a high value of capacitance which draws high value of charging current
- Cables have a low value of capacitance which draws high value of charging current
- None of the above.
11. A circular peice of specimen has a surface resistance Rs. its diameter is d and the thickness is t. the surface resistivity ps of the specimen is given by :
- (πd2 Rs)/t
- (πdRs)/t
- Rst/(πd2)
- Rs)t/πd
12. The value of resistance of an earthing electrode depends upon :
- Shap and materials of electrode
- Depth to which electrode is driven into earth.
- Specific resistance of soil
- All the above.
13. From the point of view of safety, the resistance of earthing electrode should be :
- Low
- High
- Medium
- The value of resistance of earth electrodes does not affect the safety.
14. The advantage of Varley loop tests over Murray loop tests is
- They can be used for localizing of short circuit faults
- They can be used for localizing of earth fault
- The loop resistance can be experimentally determined
- Their accuracy is higher.
15. When localizing ground fault with the help of loop tests, the resistance of the fault :
- Affects the balance conditions
- Affects the value of capable resistance
- Affects the sensitivity of the bridge
- All the above.
16. In a series-type ohmmeter
- zero marking is on the left-hand side
- zero marking is at the centre
- zero marking is on the right-hand side
- zero marking may be either on left or right-hand side
17. In series type ohmmeters, zero adjustment should be done by
- changing the shunt resistance across the meter movement
- changing the series resistance
- changing the series and the shunt resistance
- changing the battery voltage
18. Screw adjustments are preferred over shunt resistance adjustments for zero calibration in ohmmeters because
- the former method is less costly
- the former method does not disturb the scale calibration
- the former method does not disturb the meter magnetic field
- all of the above
19. The shape of scale in an analog series-type ohmmeter is
- linearly spaced
- cramped near the start
- cramped near the end
- directly proportional to the resistance
20. Shunt-type ohmmeters have on their scale
- zero ohm marking on the right corresponding to zero current
- zero ohm marking on the right corresponding to full scale current
- infinite ohm marking on the right corresponding to zero current
- infinite ohm marking on the right corresponding to full scale current
21. Shunt-type ohmmeters have a switch along with the battery to
- disconnect the battery when not in use
- prevent meter from getting damaged when measuring very low resistances
- compensate for thermo-emf effects by reversing battery polarity
- all of the above
22. The shape of scale in an analog shunt-type ohmmeter is
- linearly spaced at lower scales
- cramped near the start
- linearly spaced at higher scales
- uniform all throughout the scale
23. High resistances using the voltmeter–ammeter method should be measured with
- voltmeter connected to the source side
- ammeter connected to the source side
- any of the two connections
- readings are to be taken by interchanging ammeter and voltmeter positions
24. Low resistances using the voltmeter–ammeter method should be measured with
- voltmeter connected to the source side
- ammeter connected to the source side
- any of the two connections
- readings are to be taken by interchanging ammeter and voltmeter positions
25. Accuracy of the substitution method for measurement of unknown resistance depends on
- accuracy of the ammeter
- accuracy of the standard resistance to which the unknown is compared
- accuracy in taking the readings
- all of the above
26. The null detector used in a Wheatstone bridge is basically a
- sensitive voltmeter
- sensitive ammeter
- may be any of the above
- none of (a) or (b)
27. Wheatstone bridge is not preferred for precision measurements because of errors due to
- resistance of connecting leads
- resistance of contacts
- thermo-electric emf
- all of the above
28. Error due to thermo-electric emf effects in a Wheatstone bridge can be eliminated by
- taking the readings as quickly as possible
- by avoiding junctions with dissimilar metals
- by using a reversing switch to change battery polarity
- all of the above
29. Low resistances are measured with four terminals to
- eliminate effects of leads
- enable the resistance value to be independent of the nature of contact at the current terminals
- to facilitate connections to current and potential coils of the meters
- all of the above
30. Kelvin’s double bridge is called ‘double’ because
- it has double the accuracy of a Wheatstone bridge
- its maximum scale range is double that of a Wheatstone bridge
- it can measure two unknown resistances simultaneously, i.e., double the capacity of a Wheatstone bridge
- it has two additional ratio arms, i.e., double the number of ratio arms as compared to a Wheatstone bridge
31. Two sets of readings are taken in a Kelvin’s double bridge with the battery polarity reversed in order to
- eliminate the error due to contact resistance
- eliminate the error due to thermo-electric effect
- eliminate the error due to change in battery voltage
- all of the above
32. Potentiometers, when used for measurement of unknown resistances, give more accurate results as compared to the voltmeter–ammeter method because
- there is no error due to thermo-electric effect in potentiometers
- the accuracy of voltage measurement is higher in potentiometers
- personnel errors while reading a potentiometer is comparatively less
- all of the above
33. Null detection method’ is more accurate than ‘deflection method’ for measurement of unknown resistances because
- the former does not include errors due to nonlinear scale of the meters
- the former does not include errors due to change in battery voltage
- the former does to depend on meter sensitivity at balanced condition
- all of the above
34. Guard terminals are recommended for high resistance measurements to
- bypass the leakage current
- guard the resistance from effects of stray electro-magnetic fields
- guard the resistance from effects of stray electro-static fields
- none of the above
35. When measuring cable insulation using a dc source, the galvanometer used is initially short circuited to
- discharge the stored charge in the cable
- bypass the high initial charging current
- prevent the galvanometer from getting damaged due to low resistance of the cable
- all of the above
36. The loss of charge method is used for measurement of
- high value capacitances
- dissipation factor of capacitances
- low value resistances
- high value resistances
37. A meggar is used for measurement of
- low value resistances
- medium value resistances
- high value, particularly insulation resistances
- all of the above
38. Controlling torque in a meggar is provided by
- control springs
- balance weights
- control coil
- any one of the above
39. The advantage of Varley loop test over Murray loop test for cable fault localisation is
- the former can be used for localising faults even without knowledge of cable resistance
- the former can be used for localising both earth fault and short circuit faults
- the former can experimentally determine the total loop resistance
- all of the above
40. Possible sources of error in using loop test for cable fault localisation are
- uneven cable resistance/km
- temperature variations
- unknown cable joint resistances
- all of the above