This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Potentiometers MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Types of Potentiometer
- Self-balancing Potentiometers
- A.C Potentiometers
1. A potentiometer is basically a :
- Deflection type instrument
- Null type instrument
- Deflection as well as null type instrument
- A digital instrument
2. When a potentiometer is used for measurement of voltage of an unknown source , the power consumed in the circuit of the unknown source under null conditions
- Is very high
- Is high
- Is small
- Is ideally zero
3. Standardization of potentiometers is done in order that, they become
- Accurate
- Precise
- Accurate and direct reading
- Accurate and precise.
4. A Crompton’s Potentiometer is provided with a dial resistor having 15 steps of 10Ω each and a slide wire of 10 Ω resistances the slide wire is divided into 100 divisions and one fifth of a division can be read with certainty. The working current of potentiometers is 10mA. The range and resolution of the potentiometer are respectively :
- 1.6 V, 0.2 mV
- 1.6 V, 0.5 mV
- 1.5 V, 0.1 mV
- 1.6 V, 0.1 mV
5. A dual range Crompton’s potentiometer is provided with a dial resistor having 15 steps of 10 Ω each and a slide wire of 10 Ω resistances. The ranges are X1 and X0.1. The current in the potentiometer measuring circuit 10mA on the X1 scale. The slide wire has 100 divisions and one fifth of a scale division can be read with certainty. What is the current drawn from the battery and the resolution of the instrument on X0.1 scale range?
- 10mA, 20µV
- 11mA, 10µV
- 11mA, 2µV
- 11mA, 20µV
6. Brook’s deflectional potentiometer is used when the unknown voltage :
- Is constant
- Is varying at slow rate
- Is varying very rapidly
- All the above.
7. A volt-ratio box is designed with a resistance 100 Ω/V. it has input terminals of 300V, 150V and 75 V, and an output terminal of 1.5 V which is connected to the potentiometer. Supposing a voltage of 270V is connected to the 300 V terminals, what is voltage indicated by the potentiometer and what is the power consumption under null conditions?
- 1.5 V, 3W
- 1.35 V, 3W
- 1.5 V,2.43W
- 1.35 V, 2.43W.
8. The standardization of a.c potentiometer is done by
- Directly using a.c standard voltage source
- Using d.c standard sources and transfer instruments
- Using d.c standard sources and d’Arsonval galvanometer
- Using a.c standard sources and transfer instruments.
9. The reading of polar type a.c potentiometer when measuring the reactance of a coil areI = 12 ∠13.8° , V =27.8 ∠29.7°.The reactance of the coil is :
- 2.317Ω
- 0.634 Ω
- 2.22 Ω
- -2.22 Ω
10. A Coordinate type potentiometer is used for determination of impedance of a coil and the results obtained are: voltage across 1Ω resistance in series with coil, 0.24 V on in phase dial and -0.09 on quadrature dial.The resistance of the coil is:
- 9.14 Ω
- 2.34 Ω
- 16.76 Ω
- None of the above.
11. The transfer instrument which is used for standardisation of a polar-type ac potentiometer is
- an electrostatic instrument
- a dynamometer instrument
- a moving coil instrument
- a thermal instrument
12. A dc potentiometer is designed to measure up to about 2 volts with a slide wire of 800 mm. A standard cell of emf 1.18 volt obtains balance at 600 mm. a test cell is seen to obtained balance at 680 mm. The emf of the test cell is
- 1.50 volts
- 1.00 volts
- 1.34 volts
- 1.70 volts
13. For measuring an ac voltage by an ac potentiometer, it is desirable that the supply for the potentiometer is taken from
- a battery
- the same source as the unknown voltage
- a source other than the source of unknown voltage
- any of the above
14. The calibration of a voltmeter can be carried out by using
- an ammeter
- a function generator
- a frequency meter
- a potentiometer
15. A slide wire potentiometer has 10 wires of 1 m each. With the help of a standard voltage source of 1.018 volt it is standardise by keeping the jockey at 101.8 cm. If the resistance of the potentiometer wire is 1000 Ω then the value of the working current is
- 1 mA
- 0.5 mA
- 0.1 A
- 10 mA
16. The potentiometer is standardised for making it
- precise
- accurate
- accurate and precise
- accurate and direct reading
17. Consider the following statements.A dc potentiometer is the best means available for the measurement of dc voltage because
- The precision in measurement is independent of the type of detector used
- It is based on null balance technique
- It is possible to standardize before a measurement is undertaken
- It is possible to measure dc voltages ranging in value from mV to hundreds of volts Of these statements,
- 2 and 3 are correct
- 1 and 4 are correct
- 2 and 4 are correct
- 3 and 4 are correct
18. In a dc potentiometer measurements, a second reading is often taken after reversing the polarities of dc supply and the unknown voltage, and the average of the two readings is taken. This is with a view to eliminate the effects of
- ripples in the dc supply
- stray magnetic field
- stray thermal emfs
- erroneous standardisation