This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Circuit Components (Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors and Their Residues) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.


This Section covers below lists of topics.


  1. Residues.
  2. Resistors.
  3. Resistance Standards.
  4. Low Resistance Standards.
  5. Frequency Errors of Resistors.
  6. Sheet metal Resistors.
  7. Methods of Reducing Residual Inductance and Capacitance in Resistors.
  8. Resistance Boxes.
  9. Thin Film Resistors.
  10. Shielded Resistors.


  1. Standards of Inductance.
  2. Standards of Mutual Inductance.
  3. Standards of Self-Inductance.
  4. Variable Inductance.
  5. Inductors for High Frequency Work.
  6. Inductors for Low Frequency Work.
  7. Frequency Errors in Inductors.


  1. Loss Angle and Power Factor of capacitors.
  2. Distributed Capacitance.
  3. Capacitance Standards.
  4. Vacuum and Gas-filled Capacitors.
  5. Solid Dielectric Capacitors Variable Capacitors.
  6. Decade Capacitance Boxes.
  7. Frequency Errors in Capacitors.



1. The residues of a resistor at high frequencies are :

  • Interturn capacitance
  • Inductance
  • Ground capacitance
  • All of the above

2. Materials used for precision resistors should have

  • Low resistivity
  • High resistance temperature coefficient
  • High thermoelectric emf against copper
  • None of the above

3. Metal spools cannot be used for resistors meant for a.c applications because:

  • Hysteresis losses are produced in them
  • Hysteresis and eddy current losses are produced in them
  • They produced different expansion leading to stresses in resistance wire
  • Their use results in poor heat dissipation.

4. Accelerated ageing is done on coils for standard resistors in order to :

  • Make the resistance stable with time
  • Reduce inductive and capacitive effects
  • Reduce hot spot temperatures
  • None of the above

5. Four terminal resistors are used for resistance values :

  • Greater than 10Ω
  • Greater than 1 Ω
  • Less than 1 Ω
  • Of the order of MΩ

6. The conditions for a resistor to have the same value of resistance at medium frequencies as with d.c is :

  • CR2 = L
  • CR2 = 2L
  • CR2 = 𝛚L
  • CR2 = 2𝛚L

7. A 100 Ω resistor has an effective inductance  of 0.1µ H and a distributed capacitance of 20 pF. Its time constant at medium frequencies is :

  • 1 ns
  • 2 ns
  • – 1 ns
  • 0

8. In resistance standards, bifilar winding arrangement is used to reduce :

  • Capacitance of winding
  • Inductance of winding
  • Both capacitance and inductance of winding
  • None of the above

9. The resistance coil of a winding has a distributed capacitance of 9 pF. When wound in a single section. The same winding is sectionalized and is wound in three sections connected in series.The distributed capacitance of the winding with new arrangement is :

  • 9 pF
  • 3 pF
  • 27 pF
  • 1 pF

10. In order that value of an inductance standard should remain constant irrespective of the value of current carried by its coil :

  • Cores of ferromagnetic materials should be used
  • Air cored coils should be used
  • Solid conductors should be used
  • All of the above

11. In order that the values of effective resistance and inductance of a standard remain unaffected due to changes in frequency :

  • Ferromagnetic materials should not be used for core
  • Coils should use stranded conductors
  • Use of metallic parts should be avoided
  • All of the above

12. The value of effective inductance standard inductors at low and medium frequencies is approximately :

  • L(1- 𝛚2LC)
  • 𝛚L(1+ 𝛚2LC)
  • L(1+ 𝛚2LC)
  • L(1+2 𝛚2LC)

13. An imperfect capacitor is represented by a capacitance Cp, in parallel with a resistance Rp. the value of its dissipation factor (tan δ) is :

  • 𝛚CpRp
  • 𝛚2 CpRp
  • 1/(ω2 CpRp)
  • 1/(ω CpRp )

14. Capacitors with solid dielectric materials are used because :

  • The give a reduced dielectric loss
  • They are smaller in size as compared with air capacitors
  • They have a lower capacitance value as compared with air capacitors.
  • None of the above

15. The effective value of capacitance of standard capacitor at low and medium frequencies is

  • C/(1 - ω2 LC)
  • C/(1 + ω2 LC)
  • C/(1 - 2ω2 LC)
  • C/(1 + 2ω2 LC)


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