This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains Circuit Components (Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors and Their Residues) MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Residues.
- Resistors.
- Resistance Standards.
- Low Resistance Standards.
- Frequency Errors of Resistors.
- Sheet metal Resistors.
- Methods of Reducing Residual Inductance and Capacitance in Resistors.
- Resistance Boxes.
- Thin Film Resistors.
- Shielded Resistors.
- Standards of Inductance.
- Standards of Mutual Inductance.
- Standards of Self-Inductance.
- Variable Inductance.
- Inductors for High Frequency Work.
- Inductors for Low Frequency Work.
- Frequency Errors in Inductors.
- Loss Angle and Power Factor of capacitors.
- Distributed Capacitance.
- Capacitance Standards.
- Vacuum and Gas-filled Capacitors.
- Solid Dielectric Capacitors Variable Capacitors.
- Decade Capacitance Boxes.
- Frequency Errors in Capacitors.
1. The residues of a resistor at high frequencies are :
- Interturn capacitance
- Inductance
- Ground capacitance
- All of the above
2. Materials used for precision resistors should have
- Low resistivity
- High resistance temperature coefficient
- High thermoelectric emf against copper
- None of the above
3. Metal spools cannot be used for resistors meant for a.c applications because:
- Hysteresis losses are produced in them
- Hysteresis and eddy current losses are produced in them
- They produced different expansion leading to stresses in resistance wire
- Their use results in poor heat dissipation.
4. Accelerated ageing is done on coils for standard resistors in order to :
- Make the resistance stable with time
- Reduce inductive and capacitive effects
- Reduce hot spot temperatures
- None of the above
5. Four terminal resistors are used for resistance values :
- Greater than 10Ω
- Greater than 1 Ω
- Less than 1 Ω
- Of the order of MΩ
6. The conditions for a resistor to have the same value of resistance at medium frequencies as with d.c is :
- CR2 = L
- CR2 = 2L
- CR2 = 𝛚L
- CR2 = 2𝛚L
7. A 100 Ω resistor has an effective inductance of 0.1µ H and a distributed capacitance of 20 pF. Its time constant at medium frequencies is :
- 1 ns
- 2 ns
- – 1 ns
- 0
8. In resistance standards, bifilar winding arrangement is used to reduce :
- Capacitance of winding
- Inductance of winding
- Both capacitance and inductance of winding
- None of the above
9. The resistance coil of a winding has a distributed capacitance of 9 pF. When wound in a single section. The same winding is sectionalized and is wound in three sections connected in series.The distributed capacitance of the winding with new arrangement is :
- 9 pF
- 3 pF
- 27 pF
- 1 pF
10. In order that value of an inductance standard should remain constant irrespective of the value of current carried by its coil :
- Cores of ferromagnetic materials should be used
- Air cored coils should be used
- Solid conductors should be used
- All of the above
11. In order that the values of effective resistance and inductance of a standard remain unaffected due to changes in frequency :
- Ferromagnetic materials should not be used for core
- Coils should use stranded conductors
- Use of metallic parts should be avoided
- All of the above
12. The value of effective inductance standard inductors at low and medium frequencies is approximately :
- L(1- 𝛚2LC)
- 𝛚L(1+ 𝛚2LC)
- L(1+ 𝛚2LC)
- L(1+2 𝛚2LC)
13. An imperfect capacitor is represented by a capacitance Cp, in parallel with a resistance Rp. the value of its dissipation factor (tan δ) is :
- 𝛚CpRp
- 𝛚2 CpRp
- 1/(ω2 CpRp)
- 1/(ω CpRp )
14. Capacitors with solid dielectric materials are used because :
- The give a reduced dielectric loss
- They are smaller in size as compared with air capacitors
- They have a lower capacitance value as compared with air capacitors.
- None of the above
15. The effective value of capacitance of standard capacitor at low and medium frequencies is
- C/(1 - ω2 LC)
- C/(1 + ω2 LC)
- C/(1 - 2ω2 LC)
- C/(1 + 2ω2 LC)