This Portion of Electrical andElectronic Measurements and Measuring instruments contains AC Bridges / Impedance Bridges MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- A.C Bridges
- Measurement of Self-inductance
- Measurement of Capacitance
- Measurement of Mutual inductance
- Measurement of Frequency
- Universal impedance Bridge
- Source of errors in Bridge Circuits
- Wagner Earthing Devices
- Transformer Ratio Bridge
1. Please check figures here to answer the Questions from 1-3. in order that the bridge shown in fig be balanced
- I1 = I3 and I2 = I4
- Z1Z4 = Z2Z3
- ∠θ1 + ∠θ4 = ∠θ2 + ∠θ3
- All of the above.
2. For the bridge shown in figure above Z1 = 200Ω ∠30°, Z2 = 150Ω ∠0°, Z3 = 250Ω ∠-40°. In order that the bridge can be balanced Z4 should be :
- 187.5Ω ∠-70°
- 187.5Ω ∠-10°
- 333.3Ω ∠10°
- 120Ω ∠70°
3. For the bridge shown in figure above , arm ab consists of resistance in series with an inductance, arms bc and ad consists of pure resistance. in order to achieve balance arm cd should consist of
- A variable resistance in series with an variable inductance
- A variable resistance
- A variable resistance in series or parallel with a variable capacitance
- A variable capacitance.
4. The equations under balance conditions for a bridge are :R1 = R2 R3 / R4 and L1 = R2R3C4Where R1 and L1 are respectively unknown resistance and inductance.In order to achieve converging balance
- R2 and R3 should be chosen as variables
- R2 and C4 should be chosen as variables
- R4 and C4 should be chosen as variables
- R3 and C4 should be chosen as variables
5. Maxwell’s inductance-capacitance bridge is used for measurement of inductance of :
- Low Q coils
- Medium Q coils
- High Q coils
- Low and medium Q coils.
6. The advantage of Hay’s bridge over Maxwell’s inductance-capacitance bridge is because
- Its equations for balance do not contain any frequency term
- It can be used for measurement of inductance of high Q coils
- It can used for measurement of inductance of low Q coils
- None of the above.
7. In D’Sauty’s bridge (unmodified form) it is :
- Possible to obtain balance even if both the capacitors are imperfect
- Possible to obtain balance if one of the capacitors is perfect
- Possible to obtain balance only if both the capacitors are perfect
- All the above.
8. Frequency can be measured by using :
- Maxwell’s bridge
- Schering bridge
- Heavyside Campbell bridge
- Wien’s bridge.
9. A bridge circuit works at a frequency of 2 kHz. The following can be used as detectors for detection of null conditions in the bridge
- Vibration galvanometer and headphones
- Headphones and tunable amplifiers
- Vibration galvanometers and tunable amplifiers
- Vibration galvanometers, headphones and tunable amplifiers.
10. Wagner’s Earth devices are used in a.c bridge circuit for :
- Eliminating the effect of earth capacitances
- Eliminating the effect of inter-component capacitances
- Eliminating the effect of stray electrostatic fields
- Shielding the bridge elements.
11. A bridge circuit works at a frequency of 2 kHz. Which of the following can be used as null detector in such a bridge?
- Vibration galvanometers and tunable amplifiers
- Headphones and tunable amplifiers
- Vibration galvanometers and headphones
- All of the above
12. Under balanced condition of a bridge for measuring unknown impedance, if the detector is suddenly taken out
- measured value of the impedance will be lower
- measured value of the impedance will be higher
- measured value of the impedance will not change
- the impedance can not be measured
13. Harmonic distortions in power supply does not affect the performance of Maxwell’s bridge since
- filters are used to remove harmonics
- final expression for unknown inductance contain only fundamental frequency
- mechanical resonance frequency of null detectors are beyond the range of harmonic frequencies
- final expression for unknown inductance is independent of frequency
14. Maxwell’s bridge can be used for measurement of inductance with
- high Q factors
- very low Q factors
- medium Q factors
- wide range of Q factor variations
15. The advantage of Hay’s bridge over Maxwell’s inductance–capacitance bridge is that
- its final balance equations are independent of frequency
- it reduces cost by not making capacitor or inductor as the variable parameters
- it can be used measuring low Q inductors
- it can be used measuring high Q inductors
16. The advantage of Anderson’s bridge over Maxwell’s bridge is that
- its final balance equations are independent of inductor losses
- it reduces cost by not making capacitor or inductor as the variable parameters
- number of bridge components required are less
- attaining balance condition is easier and less time consuming
17. The main advantage of Owen’s bridge for measurement of unknown inductance is that
- it has two independent elements R and C for achieving balance
- it can be used for measurement of very high Q coils
- it is very inexpensive
- it can be used for measurement of unknown capacitance as well
18. DeSauty’s bridge is used for measurement of
- high Q inductances
- low Q inductances
- loss less capacitors
- capacitors with dielectric losses
19. Schering bridge can be used for measurement of
- capacitance and dissipation factor
- dissipation factor only
- inductance with inherent loss
- capacitor but not dissipation factor
20. Frequency can be measured using
- Anderson’s bridge
- Maxwell’s bridge
- De Sauty’s bridge
- Wien’s bridge